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Emails not being received

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Is there a known issue that is preventing me receiving emails for parts of the day? For example, I sell on eBay and Amazon and receive dozens of emails a day. I am only received a few emails with these notifications a day, normally one email for each of the messages received on those platforms. I have also tested sending myself emails, some fail, some send but aren't received and some are sent and delivered successfully but after a fair few minutes. 


Appreciate everyone's time.


Dialled in

Received a delivery today from Amazon, but the email telling me that the item was going to arrive has only just arrived in my inbox.  The item had been delivered about 30 minutes before this email even turned up.  On checking the source for the Amazon email, it was sent by Amazon at 10:10 today, but did not appear in my inbox until 20:00.  This is ridiculous.  Please Virgin finally admit there is an issue and show it on your website and then provide a fix as soon as possible.

Dialled in

Update:  A further delivery email from Amazon was received this morning (13.5.24) into my inbox (at 1.44am) but it was sent by Amazon at 10:10 am (12.5.24).  The delivery email was received into my inbox 5 hours after the delivery was received at my house.  This is ridiculous.  Please Virgin sort out why Amazon emails are being delayed for so long and fix it because it is causing major issues.


Further update:  Am still waiting for two more deliveries to be received from Amazon and have just checked my Amazon account and shipping emails were sent up for these two deliveries at 16:01 and 16:38 on 12.5.24 and to date (07:05 13.5.24) these have still not been received.  Come on Virgin what is going on?  

Hi HMB42 thanks for updating us.

Sorry to hear of the issues you're having with receiving emails.  And for any inconvenience this may be causing.  Are the emails from these websites being mailed directly to the email address in question?



Dialled in

I think things have started improving with my Amazon confirmation emails.  I placed an order on Monday and received the confirmation within a short time into my Virgin account.  Still not sure what caused the issues I was experiencing.  Has Virgin commented on what caused the issues as things seem to have been sorted out their end, as I have done nothing at my end to my account.

Hi @HMB42 

Thanks for coming back to us. There is an ongoing server issue which we are working hard to resolve asap.

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