Recent DiscussionsLandline Voicemail not recording messages Hi I have noticed my Landline Voicemail is no longer recording messages left. I have tested this by phoning from my mobile and leaving myself a message but the message appears not to have been reco...Landline Dead/Help Desperately Needed I am desperate for help with my landline which has been dead for four days now. I have no other phone, no smartphone and no mobile and rely heavily on my landline. I sat in a neighbours house yesterd...Landline fault Our landline has been completely dead for a few days now (my mum originally said not to report it, as the lack of cold calls was a nice change, but she's 96, so I'd rather it was on). I've checked e...SolvedEx Directory I would like my number taken out of directory due to amount of scam calls. Change VM package to exclude landline weekend charges. I have VM broadband, M500, and a landline, which is VOIP, for which I pay for weekend calls only. The landline is rarely used and most calls in and out are by mobile phone so I am considering stoppi...SolvedCaller ID stopped working We are no longer receiving caller ID on our landline (router). This stopped working sometime after 16:28 on Mon 17th Feb. I have two devices connected and this is the last time both of them recorde...Phone number still not ported over I have signed up for phone package which is now active with the temporary number but my old number still has not been ported over. I have had to ring twice to chase it and had to listen to that awful...Landline Voicemail unusable For the last couple of weeks, my landline voicemail has been unusable. More often than not, it ignores any key presses so the menus are inaccessible. On the occasion that it works, messages are ei...No voicemail for nearly 2 weeks So as the title says has been down for nearly 2 weeks. Have made multiple calls to support and even had a log number but I got a call last week to say that there are a lot of people with the same fa...No dialing tone on landline My landline has not had a dialing tone on it since Friday 28th February no landline all weekend. Tried 2 lots of telephones to check in it was my phone. Even took my phone set to my daughters it was ...
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