Recent DiscussionsHow to turn off landline voicemail for elderly relative How do I turn off the free voicemail for my elderly relative? She has a answerphone but we need it to ring longer and not switch to answerphone. Are you able to sort this out? Renewing Contract - Talk Weekends still possible vs Weekend Chatter My contract is due for renewal shortly and I'm looking to keep my legacy phone package 'Talk Weekends'. Does anyone know if this is still possible? - I know there were a few issues last time I renew...Landline Number Changed VM wrongly disconnected my account. It is now reconnected but my original landline number is no longer allocated to my account. I was told via the whatsapp messenger chat that my original number will...VoIP phone continually cuts out Our phone is connected to the hub and EVERY single time we use it, the line cuts out at 8 minutes 45 seconds. Every . Single . Time. customer service was next to useless. No solution forthcoming. ...VoIP drops out continuously We installed VM last year and use our phone plugged into the hub. But EVERY single call it will drop out at 8 minutes 45 seconds. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. Can someone explain why?? Tried calling custom...dead landline have no dial tone when phone is picked up. when i phone the number it rings but not at the house end. SolvedLandline 1571 Voicemail - Turn Off Hi I have a physical answermachine built into my landline phone, so don't need the free 1571 voicemail. How do I turn this off please? Ta Turn off 1571 voicemail Is it possible to increase the number of rings before 1571 voicemail kicks in? or else switch it off completely. We have an (old fashioned now I suppose) handset based answerphone. I've set this to ...Transferring landline number. I'm thinking of changing by broadband provider. I was looking at M125 BB plus weekend package and wondering if it's possible to tranfer my landline number? (Sky/Openreach). Ten years ago when I mov...Very poor support for Virgin media I reported a fault with my landline in December and an engineer attended on 24 December.They were late and kept me waiting with no notification.They identified that external re-wiring would need to b...
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