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Intermittent connection

Tuning in

For the past week our broadband has been disconnecting at irregular times. I've followed the advise on the Virgin Media app and no matter how many times we turn off the router the connection issues continue. When we run the status check it either says it's unable to run it or that it found no problems. The broadband service status has said 'all looks good in your area' for the past week, however the one for TV says 'there's an issue in your area'.

Devices are connected through wifi and directly via ethernet, so not a wifi issue.

Is it likely to be a fault with the router? Any help would be appreciated.


Haven't had internet for the past few hours. When we do have internet the light is orange so something's up with the hub. Virgin not sending engineer because everyday it's a new issue number and it gets fixed for a few hours until the next issue starts.

We're losing connection daily. Still no word from Virgin Media on when this will be fixed. The only thing we have been told is they'll be increasing our package price in a month.

Hi there @Knitspec 


Thank you for coming back to us and I am so sorry to hear that you have faced these issues! 


Please be aware that multiple posts will mean your post is pushed back to the bottom of the queue, if you can try to keep all information in one post then we can get back to you a bit quicker, though we appreciate updates are sometimes needed.


I can see that there is currently an SNR outage in your area, this stands for signal to noise ratio. The current estimated fix time for this is the 24th of October at 9am. 


Are you able to let us know how things are looking after this time? 


Thank you. 


Hi Ash, thank you for the response, unfortunately we have no internet so it's really difficult for me to respond. Is there any update to this issue?

Good Evening @Knitspec, thanks for coming back to us, and I'm sorry to hear of the intermittent connection.

I have been able to look into your local area, and I'm sorry to say that the outage is still ongoing and is due to estimated to be resolved at 09:00 tomorrow.

Please report back to us beyond this time frame if the fault is still ongoing and we can look further into this for you.

Kindest regards,


We've not had a stable connection since September last year. Every time we are told it is a new issue and that it will be fixed tomorrow. The loss of services is constant, weekly or daily. Is there someone I can contact? What am I supposed to do?

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey Knitspec, thanks for getting back to us on the forum about this issue and sorry to see it has been ongoing for this long.

We've seen that you recently contacted our team since your last post and we've booked you in for a technician visit in a few days, would you please kindly update us on how things look after this and if we've managed to restore your connection problems?

Please, do keep us posted and we'll be here to assist further where needed.

Forum Team

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