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Error message 403 forbidden

Tuning in

I'm having exactly the same problem with accessing my email account via Chrome on my Chromebook. I've tried clearing Cookies & going 'icognito' to no avail. It was fine on Sunday! Please help.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Doiane 👋 welcome back to community! Thank you for posting. 
Sorry to hear about these issues with accessing your email! We appreciate this must be frustrating. Can we just check you are trying to do this via our webmail service 👉

Are you having the same issue on any of your other devices or is it restricted to the Chromebook you are using?It may also be worth just running an anti-virus scan on this device just in case! 

Please let us know if the issue is still ongoing and we will continue to offer support. Wishing you all the best. 🌞


Yes. Accessing via webmail.

I can access email on phone but I really need to access on my Chromebook so I can share important documents. 

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Do you have any other device other than the Chromebook in which you could try (apart from the phone)? 


It does sound like there's an issue between browser and email. As if it was a sole issue with the email, it wouldn't work on your phone. Please let me know 🙂 


