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Authentication failed

Tuning in

I am unable to log in to my email account. Error says failed authentication change password, done that still fails.




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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@BazzaK74 wrote:

I am an OAP so not very tech savvy.

I am a long serving OAP but I  am not often at a loss when it comes to resolving email problems but I admit I am struggling here.

The first thing that confused me was that you said:

"I am unable to log in to my email account"  and "When I try to log in it comes back with unable to authorise change password,"

Your reference to "logging in" made me think you were referring to signing / logging directly in to your VM email account on the VM websit.

However, after  you said:  "I go to the virgin media site and my email address is still ok" and "I am using Thunderbird as my mail app"  I think that you actually  meant that you were using the "Get messages" option in Thunderbird to download your VM emails. So now I'm assuming that Thunderbird is failing to download your VM emails but those emails are being picked up correctly in your VM email account itself. 

I have seen the error message " sending of password for user (address) did not succeed. Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo... " often reported on the Mozilla / Thunderbird Support Forum. However, that is usually in relation to email services that use the OAUTH 2.0 authentication process, such as and The VM email service does not support OAUTH 2.0 so I did wonder if you had used the wrong authentication method in your Thunderbird settings.

To test that I tried changing the Authentication  settings for one of my VM email accounts in Thunder from the correct "Normal password" setting  to "OAUTH2".  As expected that resulted in Thunderbird reporting an error whendownloading from that email account but it was a straight forward message to say that VM does not support OAUTH2 and to update my settings accordingly. So your problem does not seem to be caused by the wrong Authentication setting in Thunderbird.

Then I saw that you said "Error says failed authentication change password, done that still fails.". The question I would ask is whether after you changed the VM account password did you update the VM password held in Thunderbird to the reflect that change?

If you did not you could try updating the password in Thunderbird. Personally,I find the easiest way to do that is to delete the old password and then enter the new one when Thunderbird prompts for a password.

  • In Thunderbird, click on the 3 horizontal lines (top right of the TBird screen)
  • Then in the drop down menu click on Settings
  • Then in the left hand menu click on Privacy and security
  • Then scroll down the resulting page and click on Saved Passwords
  • Select the email address that is giving you problems and click on Remove
  • Then click on Close and return to the main Thunderbird screen.

The next time you use the Get Messages option in Thunderbird it will prompt you for the new password and you should enter the password that allows you to access the VM email account on the VM website.

If that does not work or you cannot follow any of this it would be helpful you could post the final part of the  error message:

" sending of password for user (address) did not succeed. Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo..."??

In other words, exactly what  does the pop3.ntlworld server respond with? There are a number of possibilities and that might give a further clue to what's going on.

As a final comment, I would say that you should be using the and email servers. Since 2017 VM have been advising customers with Ntlword addresses to use the new servers. However, I would suggest we keep things simple for the moment and try to resolve your immediate issue first rather than possibly introducing new problems. Once you are able to download your VM emails into Thunderbird we can look again at updating your settings in Thunderbird to the current server settings.

I hope all the above is not too much to take on board.

The full details of the "Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo..????." error might give us all a bit more of an idea about what's going on.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Tuning in

I will try again! Is there anyone who can help. I have been without my ntlworld email now for 2 weeks.I can neither send or receive emails. When I try to log in it comes back with unable to authorise change password, tried that same result. I viewed posts on here and a lot of people seem to be having the same issue without any proper help. I have done a full virus scan. No virus found. I go to the virgin media site and my email address is still ok and can see my emails, delete and read them.I am using Thunderbird as my mail app. Can somebody please help.

Thank you Barry

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey BazzaK74,

Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post.
I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your email account, sorry for the late response, are you still having the same issues at the moment?

Kind Regards,


I have just tried to log in again with my original password it still failed.This is the text I received back

Error with account sending of password for user (address) did not succeed. Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo...

It did also ask me to change password which I declined to do.

Many thanks for your reply. I am an OAP so not very tech savvy. Barry


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@BazzaK74 wrote:

I am an OAP so not very tech savvy.

I am a long serving OAP but I  am not often at a loss when it comes to resolving email problems but I admit I am struggling here.

The first thing that confused me was that you said:

"I am unable to log in to my email account"  and "When I try to log in it comes back with unable to authorise change password,"

Your reference to "logging in" made me think you were referring to signing / logging directly in to your VM email account on the VM websit.

However, after  you said:  "I go to the virgin media site and my email address is still ok" and "I am using Thunderbird as my mail app"  I think that you actually  meant that you were using the "Get messages" option in Thunderbird to download your VM emails. So now I'm assuming that Thunderbird is failing to download your VM emails but those emails are being picked up correctly in your VM email account itself. 

I have seen the error message " sending of password for user (address) did not succeed. Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo... " often reported on the Mozilla / Thunderbird Support Forum. However, that is usually in relation to email services that use the OAUTH 2.0 authentication process, such as and The VM email service does not support OAUTH 2.0 so I did wonder if you had used the wrong authentication method in your Thunderbird settings.

To test that I tried changing the Authentication  settings for one of my VM email accounts in Thunder from the correct "Normal password" setting  to "OAUTH2".  As expected that resulted in Thunderbird reporting an error whendownloading from that email account but it was a straight forward message to say that VM does not support OAUTH2 and to update my settings accordingly. So your problem does not seem to be caused by the wrong Authentication setting in Thunderbird.

Then I saw that you said "Error says failed authentication change password, done that still fails.". The question I would ask is whether after you changed the VM account password did you update the VM password held in Thunderbird to the reflect that change?

If you did not you could try updating the password in Thunderbird. Personally,I find the easiest way to do that is to delete the old password and then enter the new one when Thunderbird prompts for a password.

  • In Thunderbird, click on the 3 horizontal lines (top right of the TBird screen)
  • Then in the drop down menu click on Settings
  • Then in the left hand menu click on Privacy and security
  • Then scroll down the resulting page and click on Saved Passwords
  • Select the email address that is giving you problems and click on Remove
  • Then click on Close and return to the main Thunderbird screen.

The next time you use the Get Messages option in Thunderbird it will prompt you for the new password and you should enter the password that allows you to access the VM email account on the VM website.

If that does not work or you cannot follow any of this it would be helpful you could post the final part of the  error message:

" sending of password for user (address) did not succeed. Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo..."??

In other words, exactly what  does the pop3.ntlworld server respond with? There are a number of possibilities and that might give a further clue to what's going on.

As a final comment, I would say that you should be using the and email servers. Since 2017 VM have been advising customers with Ntlword addresses to use the new servers. However, I would suggest we keep things simple for the moment and try to resolve your immediate issue first rather than possibly introducing new problems. Once you are able to download your VM emails into Thunderbird we can look again at updating your settings in Thunderbird to the current server settings.

I hope all the above is not too much to take on board.

The full details of the "Mail server pop3.ntlworldrespo..????." error might give us all a bit more of an idea about what's going on.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Hi Coenoby, you are indeed a very helpful person.

Fixed, I did as you suggested and checked my password on VM, put that into Thunderbird and bingo it worked.

The puzzle is I do not recollect having the same password in TB as on VM.

Many thanks for your patience and help.

Best regards Barry

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@BazzaK74 wrote:

Many thanks for your patience and help.

I am just pleased to hear that you have got it sorted. Thanks for letting us know.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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