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Forum Posts

360 box slow to turn on

Hi - my 360 box is out of sight in a cupboard so I can’t see the power light, and it takes for ever to turn on it it’s been off for a while, or even show its booting up on the TV screen.If I’ve only just turned it off it only takes a couple of second...

Sky Sports+ new remote

HiI received an email indicating that my TV box needs a free update otherwise I will miss out on Sky Sports+.  It says that I can do this by selecting the “Upgrade Now” app on my home page and then I should be sent a new remote.  However there is no ...

FabNan99 by Joining in
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Unwanted Cables & External Box

I have recently cancelled my broadband and TV deal with VM with the provided termination date of 05/08/24.As I am in the process of arranging for works to be carried out both externally and internally I would like my property returned to the state it...

Mac80 by Just joined
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New tv customer

Hiim a current broadband customer but looking to upgrade to add the 360 box. I also don’t have a current landline phone so don’t know if that is an issue?The coaxial cable for the broadband is in the dining room but the TV and 360 Box will be at the ...


I have started to get pixilated picture on my tv and have followed the instructions to correct the situation and nothing has changed. 

Audio out of sync

Recently I've noticed that when watch programs that the audio is slightly out of sync with the video. It's only about a second but it can be annoying watching someone speak the voice stops but the lips are still moving.I've rebooted the box a couple ...

chrispy1 by Dialled in
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Resolved! TV Recordings gone

Can anyone tell me why my recordings all disappear this has happened approximately after 1 month and has happened 3 times now  thanks 

nufccl by Joining in
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