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Constant "no number calls" since moving to IP Telephone from landline (Home) (Resolved)


My area has recently been migrated from landline to IP telephony which seems to work well with one exception.  My received calls report 10-20 daily calls from "no number".  There is no call made (no ringing) and no message left, just a report that "no number" called and a time.  OFCOM state it should be addressed to the provider and the Telephone preference service state they can do nothing with marketing or computer generated calls.  This did not happen until switched to IP telephony and has been daily since (coincidentally - I think not).  This appears to be a man-in-the-middle network attack and is therefore worrying (as well as filling my recent calls with rubbish).  Virgin media say they cannot see these calls, yet their system records it on my recent calls log. Anyone else having this problem or have a resolution?




[MOD EDIT: Please see post for an update ]

996 REPLIES 996

@Lee_R wrote:

Hi @lenworth, thanks for posting and welcome back to our community.

I am sorry for any concerns the 'no number calls' logs may be causing you.  Our company are aware of the issue and are working hard to resolve it.



Working hard or hardly working? There’s a big difference between the 2!

I am sorry you feel the way that you do Redwards86.

The team are working hard.  Regrettably some issues are more complex than first anticipated and therefore can take longer to solve than we or our customers would like.


One Call to Technical even suggested that I should change my phones (currently BT 8600 QUAD Set)

I did just that !, (from Amazon), same problem, new phones sent back, old phones back online.

Even suggested that I change my phone number (that I have had for over 40 years!)

Come on Virgin ,you are quick to take our King's Shilling , now put the problem right !.

Would love to know how many people this affects Countrywide.


@Lee_R wrote:

I am sorry you feel the way that you do Redwards86.

The team are working hard.  Regrettably some issues are more complex than first anticipated and therefore can take longer to solve than we or our customers would like.


VM have been aware of this issue for over 6 months.

Whilst I get some things take longer than others to resolve this is far beyond an acceptable service. 

As others have said - the staff at VM are largely unaware of the issue and therefore technical regularly give customers wrong information such as change phones, change numbers, add anonymous caller rejection or booking engineer visits that won’t help. 

Surely it would be cheaper for VM to just fix the issue then all the time it must take with the call centre staff trying to fix something they never can, wasted technician visits that won’t fix it & even just time replying on here. 

All we get are non-committal responses of “we are working on it” but with no timescales, no road map & no telling your own staff that there’s an issue. 


Regrettably some issues are more complex than first anticipated and therefore can take longer to solve than we or our customers would like.


An issue that you were aware of ,even before the roll out of VOIP (mentioned in a early post here),

and you were told of the problem, yet, you still launched it !



There is a basic failing of design develop, test, deliver, ad support lifecycle in a rush to deliver a poorly conceived technology upgrade. Surely a basic requirement is to test integration of firmware, robustness of technology (hardware and software), and compatibility with end-point target. To rely on customer feedback and user problem solving is NOT the way to keep a loyal customer base or to show you actually care for that community. Many times this community has asked for regular unsolicited updates only to get platitudes such as “we are working on it, but it’s hard”. There have also been frequent requests for senior management investigation, wider promulgation of the issue and current status of the engineering activity but again no viable response. Today’s simple question - ARE SENIOR MANAGEMENT AWARE OF THE ISSUE AND hAS ISSUE RECEIVED APPROPRIATE PRIORITY? In simple terms, who in VM is ensuring appropriate focus and urgency of this issue?

So the idiots at VM can’t even get a data access request right. 

4 weeks ago I submitted it - today they come back with about 4 pages of A4 with all the details of my Virgin Mobile account and nothing for my Virgin Media account. 

I know I submitted it to virgin media and not virgin mobile but of course they are now saying I have to resubmit it and give them another month. 

It’s just fob off after fob off and mistake after mistake!

@Redwards86 wrote:

So the idiots at VM can’t even get a data access request right. 

Well no surprise there!

4 weeks ago I submitted it - today they come back with about 4 pages of A4 with all the details of my Virgin Mobile account and nothing for my Virgin Media account. 

I know I submitted it to virgin media and not virgin mobile but of course they are now saying I have to resubmit it and give them another month. 

Actually no you don't have to, I'd be submitting a complaint to the ICO now if I were you!

It’s just fob off after fob off and mistake after mistake!

It's how they work - at least in that, there is a degree of consistency😉


Hey there @Redwards86, thanks for reaching out to us on the Virgin Media forums. 👋

I'm sorry to hear about the issues with processing your DSAR (Data Subject Access Request).
I will assist you on getting this done.

I will send a private message - watch out for the purple envelope inviting you in.

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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@Redwards86 wrote:

So the idiots at VM can’t even get a data access request right. 

4 weeks ago I submitted it - today they come back with about 4 pages of A4 with all the details of my Virgin Mobile account and nothing for my Virgin Media account. 

I know I submitted it to virgin media and not virgin mobile but of course they are now saying I have to resubmit it and give them another month. 

It’s just fob off after fob off and mistake after mistake!

Refer to the ICO to report the DSAR failure. VM is still being 'monitored' by ICO for past failures with DSAR as per