Resolved! How do I order the Wi-Fi pods?
Hi how do I order the Wi-Fi pods as can’t get the connect app to work?
Hi how do I order the Wi-Fi pods as can’t get the connect app to work?
UNDERSTANDING KEY ASPECTS OF WiFi WiFi is a somewhat notorious, though essential commodity. In many cases, when its behaviour does not meet the user’s perception of the claims made by the ISP (e.g. Virgin Media), the blame is quickly heaped on the IS...
Seeing so many posts about Good, Bad & ugly Wifi, I thought I would post some suggestions for people out there. There are definitely good, midrange & poor routers with quite variable performance wifi. Never expect a mass market product to be the b...
POWER LEVELS & SNR: TECHNICAL PRIMER (Updated October 2016) PART A - APPLICABLE DOCSIS STANDARDS INTRODUCTION There are no precise numbers for power levels although you can be sure that the numbers offered as optimal here will not be the c...
N Warning: Long, dull, a bit technical. NHaving needed to repeat myself a few times, I thought I'd share my understanding of what you might find in a Hub 3's network log when things go wrong, and what it means. First of all, this post is based on my...
Hi, we moved over to virgin fibre three weeks ago and the wifi has been shockingly bad. I’ve been calling them and their customer service is awful (whole different story) but my MacBook has suddenly stopped working on the internet at all. Whether I u...
Hello, I have a Hub 4 and the wifi signal isn't great so I bought a TP-Link router/access point about a year ago. I put the Hub in modem mode and used the TP-Link as a router to some of those powerline ethernet adaptors (so I could hardwire my cctv b...
I have the VM black box router, made by sagecomm. I am having a peculiar problem. All of a sudden, devices were not connecting to the internet. When I checked on my iPhone, it showed a an IP address starting with 169 which seems like the DHCP is not ...
Pretty much as the title says. I'm looking to replace the hub 3 as I'm tired of the terrible connection. So want to put it in modem mode and get my own. I use a VPN (windscribe) on my laptop but like the idea of putting it on my router to provide umb...
After posting a message about my Hub5 rebooting following a software update and everything appearing to settle down my Hub5 is rebooting with some frequency. Since the 16 October my Hub5 has rebooted because - Cable Modem Reboot because of - kernel-p...
Hello,We previously had Hub 3 with no issues connecting to our Fire TV. However, due to problems with the signal dropping off, we were told we’d need a new Hub and was consequently sent Hub 4. Since receiving this we’ve had multiple issues with our c...
Hello,Whenever Now and again I play out an outer sweep on my organization so I can check that I haven't done anything moronic. For convenience I will more often than not utilize the "all assistance ports" choice.Since I joined virgin media a couple o...
Hi Everyone,So, I have 1Gb connection which is working and with that I got a new Hub 5. The WIFI was hopeless and kept dropping out. So, i will be (as many of you have/do) go over to a 3rd party wifi router, however i have now read that you can only ...
I have been accessing this website - - for years but in the past couple of months I get the following message‘Safari cant open the page because it couldn't establish a secure connection to the server’I have tried from mul...
Hi,Wifi pods are not connecting to WiFi. Flashing light but any device attached to the pod is not connecting. Devices connected to the hub are connecting. Please can anyone advise?