Forum Discussion

Tr4hman's avatar
Tuning in
5 years ago

Red light on hub 3

My hub 3 is showing a red power light instead of the usual white power light. It is solid red but the hub is not overheating and is kept in open space there is a a drop out in wifi connection on all devices through out the day

  • A warm welcome to our Community Forum Tr4hman and sorry to hear about your Hub light showing red. I've had a look at your details using the information we have on here and can see that everything is okay on our side. However as you've mentioned that the power light is on a solid red, we'll get a replacement Hub sent out to you as it's not normal.


    I've arranged for a replacement to be sent out and it should arrive within 5 days and it may pop up on your online account. Please activate it and let us know how it goes.







  • MikeRobbo's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Are you in Router Mode or Modem Mode ?

    In Modem Mode the power light should be magenta.

    In Router Mode the power light should be white.

    In either Mode the red power light is an indication of over heating and most not be ignored.

    Ensure that the Hub is in a well ventilated area and nothing is blocking the vent holes on the sides of the Hub.

    If the Hub is in a clear area and is cool to touch and the red power light remains on the Hub must be replaced.

    If the Hub is in a clear area and is hot to touch and the red power light remains on the Hub must be replaced.

    Do not be fobbed off with "if it is cool it will be OK" or "Just blow a fan over it", this is dangerous advice.

    When you go out or retire for the night ensure that the Hub is unplugged from the mains.

    The only fix is a replacement Hub.

    You can either phone in (08:00 is the best time) or wait on here for a few days (6 to 10 days average) until one of the VM Forum Staff comes along.

    If you wait on here Do Not bump the thread it will put it further down the VM 'to do list'.

    • Tr4hman's avatar
      Tuning in

      It is in router mode, the hub itself is kept in open space and is slightly warm (not extremely hot) from the top of the hub but the rest is fairly cool and normal. Having read previous forums I think it will need a replacement but it is difficult to get in contact with customer support at the moment so thought id try my luck on here

      • jbrennand's avatar
        Very Insightful Person
        I will ask them to take a look on here
    • Keezza's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Mines definitely red (new install) in modem mode. Should I be worried? 

  • I am have in the same issue. I called support. They told me to do the usual things reset etc. I told her i had done all that but i did it again just for her. She told me that all was good on her end. I told her wifi was still dropping out and red light was on. Guess i am in the same boat as everyone else now.

    • Kath_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Paula_22 and DennisHenry,

      Thanks for your posts regarding the red light on your Hub 3. 

      I know you've both mentioned you have spoken to support already but I just need to double check a few things with you. 

      Can you confirm if the Hub is currently in modem mode? If so then the light will be a magenta colour but can look quite red. This is perfectly normal. If it's not then please follow the below steps: 

      • Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.
      • Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight.
      • Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally.

      If the issue remains, pop back here and let us know. We can then either arrange a replacement or an engineer to visit to swap out the Hub. 


      • Paula_22's avatar
        Joining in

        Hi there Kath

        Can you confirm if the Hub is currently in modem mode?   NO  It is in Router Mode


        • Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub. Done again
        • Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight. Yes it is well ventilated and upright
        • Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally.  Still Red light and wifi dropping in and out
  • I also have the red light on the hub.

    I had this a while ago and booked an engineer, but temporarily solved the problem by changing one of the cables.

    It is now permanently red.

    The Wi-Fi constantly drops in and out (this has pretty much always happened regardless of red light).

    All reboot instructions have been followed and still have the red light.

    According to checks in the area, there is no problem with the network, but may have an issue with the router.

    My question is whether this can be remedied by simply swapping the box for a new one, without the need for an engineer.

    We do not have time to wait in for an engineer (or wait for an appt) as we are incredibly busy.
    My daughter is back from Uni and needs a consistent connection to complete her work.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hello,

    I have the same problem mentioned in this thread, my Virgin Hub 3 has a continuous red light on and is warm to the touch at the top.

    I have checked my hub is definitely in Router rather than Modem mode. The unit has always been kept upright and well ventilated and in a shaded area.

    I have restarted the hub a number of times and used the reset button to no avail. 

    After reading other people's experiences, can I request a replacement please.

    Many thanks.


    • Anonymous's avatar

      Sill waiting if I don't get a hub iam off contract up in June hub2 are going faulty dropping like flys

    • Gareth_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      HI JHCollins,

      Thankyou for bringing this to our attention

      I can look into getting this Hub swapped for you 
      If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security 
      If you can check the purple envelope top right of your screen that would be great 


      • Anonymous's avatar

        I have given up on the red led and virgin don't need engineer just a hub 

  • Hello Victory1789, thank you for your message.

     I am very glad to hear an engineer has been booked in for you. Please do let us know the visit goes. Thanks 

    • Victory1789's avatar
      Joining in

      Pleased to report engineer turned up on time, was friendly and helpful and fixed a few things.

      Hopefully that should be the end of the issues- if not, his advice was to call (!) or Whatapp customer service and ask for a Hub5 and/or one or two boosters, so will be back here if it starts fading again.


      • Zach_R's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Victory1789,

        Thank you for the update following the technician visit. I'm very glad to hear that we were able to locate and resolve the issue for you.

        Please do let us know if there's anything more that we can assist you with at all.


  • I'm having the same issue. I recently switched my Superhub 3 to modem mode and the light is now solid red (NOT magenta). Can I get a replacement please?

    • Miggle's avatar
      On our wavelength

      According to Adri_G, a forum representative, my hub3 was perfectly normal with a red light even though VM's own web site was given where it says its an indication of overheating and even has a picture.

      I said it always had a magenta light in modem mode, and said it made no sense that if red was normal, there would be no visual indication of overheating when in that mode. VM's own help pages on what the hub3 lights means does not concur with the representative's advice.

      I've said, if the house catches fire, VM take responsibility as I have challenged and been "assured" its all normal. It doesn't get scorching hot, but the F connector gets hot and the top of the case gets warm. No idea if the CPU inside is boiling or not.

      I got asked  by the VM Rep "Have I seen smoke from it?". I replied "I hope it wouldn't get as far as as that as VM would be proactive and swap the thing out!"

      • Keezza's avatar
        On our wavelength
        just seems to defy logic, especially when the LED can pretty much do all colours. I'm not sure i buy into the whole colour shift thing on reconditioned units...

        Why not just show green is good, blue is also good.
  • Hi I also have the red light have rebooted tried everything else tried phoning support for a replacement but was diffucult to understand the operator was also promised a call back after 24 hrs and not heard back ive posted here hoping you will help 

    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi @dazel1


      Thank you for your post and welcome to our community.


      I am sorry to hear about the red light on the hub.


      I will send you a private message now.


      Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of the page and pop me a reply when you can. 

    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for coming back to me over private message dazel1.


      I've been able to book in an engineer appointment for you.


      For details of the time and date of the appointment, and if you need to change or cancel your appointment you can do this online or via the MyVM app by 4pm the day before the appointment.

  • Hi I also have the red light on  my hub, it is working and just warm to the touch at the top, I have tried all the remedies but it is still red, can you help please

    • lotharmat's avatar
      Community elder
      Best off starting your own thread about this - it will likely be picked up more quickly
    • JupiterPan's avatar
      Joining in

      As a follow up, an engineer came out and replaced my hub. 

    • Joseph_B's avatar
      Forum Team (Retired)

      Hey bigjazza,

      Firstly welcome to the Community Forums.

      Sorry to hear about the issue with your Hub, can you confirm for me that you have done the following checks:

      • Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.

      • Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight.

      • Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally.

      If it is still the same after do please let me know.

      Thanks. Joe

      • bigjazza's avatar
        Joining in

        Hi Joe, Ive done all that numerous times, everything works fine, just this red light


  • So an update on my router problem

    I was busy on Saturday so my son cancelled his plans to wait for the vm engineer as arranged, about 1.30pm I can turn my phone on and call my son he says no vm yet, there is a missed call from Jake vm engineer so I call him back, "where were you, I was banging on your door for ages" he said I told him my son was there and nobody had called, "he was probably upstairs on his playstation and didn't hear" he replies, my son is 30 and far more qualified than any vm engineer....he doesn't need a playstation. Jake then carries on about missed appointments and he can't do anything now so I'll have to book it all again, he then mentions my grey door is dark wood. Jake then realises he was banging on the wrong door at the wrong address so quickly offers to return on wednesday (today) to "sort it out" but I must call him Tuesday pm to confirm this, guess what....Jake isn't answering his phone so I still have a faulty router and a wasted day thank you vm.

    So you would charge me £25 for a missed call what are you going to give me for this fiasco? and when will I get my router sorted?

    • Steven_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for coming back to us bigjazza and I'm sorry to hear that the technician attended the wrong address, I have put another appointment in for you and will confirm the date and time via private message for you. 

      Kind Regards,


    • Steven_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      You're very welcome bigjazza and please do let us know how the visit goes, if you get the chance to do so.

      Kind Regards,
