My Virgin Media App
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Forum Posts

Moving Home - Account Access

Hello,We've moved home and are due to get Virgin installed at our new address today, however it looks like a new account has been set up as part of the home move and I can only access the old account details in My Virgin Media. I want to track when t...

KatDee by Joining in
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Can't change login email address

I need to change the email address I use to sign-in to My Virgin Media.  I have tried to do this online and I was supposed to receive a verification email to the new account.  Unfortunately, this didn't arrive for a long time - so long I had given up...

I was referred

I was referred by my aunt and used the code etc when I called up to purchase I heard from my aunt she got the email to confirm the 50 each but on my dashboard for referrals I don’t have anything showing as pending what do I do?

Direct Debit

Hi - I accidentally cancelled my direct debit. Can you please assist? Thank you.

Eoin1 by Joining in
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Help - billing wrong

Hello can you help me please I need help about my bill something has gone wrong and know I cajt speak to an advisor to sort it out     [MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]

Account can't be found

So I logged into using the same details I always use to retrieve my bill and get my account number. But when I called the customer helpline he said my account couldn't be found anywhere. that the address, ac...

My VM and Browser Log In

Unable to logi in to My VM APP or to my account online. I've tried different browsers and get the same information supply incorrect message. When I try to use the forgot password link I get a use email used to login in message despite the email being...