Can't logon to my Account
I can't logon to my Virgin Media Account from my Laptop - tried using Edge and Firefox browsers, cleared cache etc., and all I get is spinning!!!
I can't logon to my Virgin Media Account from my Laptop - tried using Edge and Firefox browsers, cleared cache etc., and all I get is spinning!!!
My contract comes to an end on 11th November and I am trying to call Virgin to either get a better deal or cancel. The problem is, because I have an outstanding amount (even though I have until the 7th to make the payment) all I keep getting is an a...
I signed up for a new contract online a few weeks ago and it was never made active. I had an email confirmation. I asked customer services and they said it would go live 15 days after I had signed up for the contract it is now well over 15 days.Today...
Can I give more than 30 days termination notice prior to end date of contract
Had this issue since two days after I accepted the contract. The speed I paid for was the 300+, all I got was ~50 -60. After numerous chats and calls to and fro ove thte last18 months. I complained to the ombudsman who found it favour of VM. The issu...
My contract expired on January 5th of this year.Looking at my emails yesterday, it looks like I was offered the chance to keep my package for 20% less.So I thought, Why not? Not like I have much choice in my area, at least not yet.I tried renewing, ...
I have just got Virgin Media installed in my new flat. But when I goto register an account. I use my surname, my account number and area, yet it shows my email address that is registered to my parents account because it is my email address they used ...
Hi. I recently changed my email address on my Virgin Media account. Everything was fine until I came to verify the change. I clicked on the link in the email to verify the change which resulted in a message that the link had now expired (I clicked on...
HelloI wonder if anyone can help, my dad cancelled his package in February , gave notice as required and he was disconnected on 26th. However he has had a final bill for £134.54 covering the period 1st Feb - 29th March, and has been charged for the f...
I was told about Virgin Media by a family member who sent me a link. I was about to buy online but I bought my package over the phone and as a result, got no discounts. Is there anything I can do as the price offered is cheaper than what I am paying ...