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Slow upload speeds for a full month now

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I'm currently on Volt M600 Fibre Broadband which usually gives me around 40mb up and for the last month or so my upload speeds have been terrible and sitting around 25% of what they should be, sometimes as low as 3mb. I'm on a wired connection so there's no WiFi issues to contend with.

The service status website initially shows no issues in the area but when I call 0800 561 0061 I'm told there is and they're working on it but it's a complex issue. I've been given 5 dates for resolution – 9am on Oct 2, Oct 12, Oct 13, Oct 21 and finally Oct 27 but my speeds are still sitting at 10mb upload as of right now. I upload 14GB videos to YouTube 2-3 times a week and what used to take 45 mins or so is now taking 2.5 hours and sometimes longer.

It's a nightmare trying to actually speak to someone about this as I just get palmed off to WhatsApp and I'm given the same script over and over again. "There's an issue affecting your postcode, please wait a week and I'll make sure this is fixed".

Could someone from the team get in touch regarding this? I've been told it's a priority 4 outage, which I'm guessing is low priority as I still have internet access however a month without a fix is getting beyond a joke.

I've tested all of my kit and everything is working as it should but the SamKnows test reports my router upload as being slower than device which indicates an issue outside the house.

As far as I know there has been a ticket raised for this and that is F010968001.

Edit: One thing I have noticed is that YouTube and the Google speed test report slow speeds but Ookla and others report 40mb and uploading to is at full speed too. Is this potentially a google/virgin media issue? These two tests were done within maybe 30 seconds of each other.

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 12-21-06 Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test.pngScreenshot 2023-10-27 at 12-22-34 speed test - Google Search.png

My Broadband Ping - Hub 5

Thanks for coming back to us @kreg, and I'm sorry to hear of the frustration this has caused you.

Looking into the local area, the area outage is still present and the estimated fix time and date now appears to be 15:00 on 14/11/23.

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and our team will do all within their power to have this resolved as soon as they possibly can.



I'm not surprised to see the date has been shifted once again which means we're approaching 2 months of this ongoing fault.

We've had engineers in the post code 3 days this week according to the service status website and it does seems a little more stable but is still dropping way down to 6mb upload at times.

Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 12-39-43 speed test - Google Search.pngScreenshot 2023-11-10 at 12.42.36.png

My Broadband Ping - Hub 5

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi, kreg.
Thanks for keeping the thread updated regarding this, although I'm sorry to see you're still having issues with your upspeeds and broadband service quality.

Upon our latest checks the fix date for this has not been moved and still expected to resolve on 14/11 around 3pm.
We appreciate the inconvenience this may have caused to you so far and hope this gets resolved without further delays.
Please, keep us updated and feel free to ask if you need further help or advice.

Forum Team

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Aaaand we're back... that was nice while it lasted.

Slow uploads yet again for the last two days and the service site stating there's an issue in the postcode but only once I run a test.

I upgraded to Gig1 in November and things were absolutely perfect now I'm getting 1/3 of the speeds again, what was taking 12-13 minutes to upload is back to 46+ minutes.

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 15-58-46 RealSpeed - SamKnows.png

My Broadband Ping - Hub 5

Alessandro Volta

@kreg wrote:

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 15-58-46 RealSpeed - SamKnows.png



Hi Kreg

Sorry to hear the issues have returned. Looks like it is purely your upload speeds that are affected as everything else looks great. Your Broadband Quality Monitor graph looks very good.

It looks like there is however an SNR outage in your area that will be affecting your speeds. It's currently estimated to be fixed by 2nd Jan. The fault has been raised under the reference F011128964.

We do apologise for any inconvenience this causes over the holidays. We'll be working hard to fix the issue as soon as we can,


A full week later from the estimated fix date and surprise surprise... I'm still experiencing slow upload speeds.

There were apparently engineers in the area yesterday according to the service status website but nothing seems to have been fixed. Since August 2023 I've had maybe 3 weeks where the upload speeds are sitting where they should be (just after I upgraded to Gig1) and I've been paying full price for the product the whole time.

The only reason I have this package is for upload and it's operating at around 25% of where it should be yet I can guarantee I won't see a 75% reduction in price.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 10-43-07 speed test - Google Search.png

My Broadband Ping - Hub 5

Hello kreg.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us on our community. I'm really sorry to hear of the low upload speeds  you've been having.
You may find the services are intermittent right now and we are aware of an SNR fault  in the area
This fault is logged under reference number F011136881 and is due to be fixed on the 15/01/24.
You can pop back on here and ask for an update if you wish, just quote the reference number above,


My speeds today are even worse and seem to be working at 10% capacity. I appreciate the fault is logged and is due to be fixed 15/01/24 however it was also supposed to be fixed by 02/01/24 so I fully expect that to be pushed back once again.

I'm also aware there's an automatic compensation scheme but I'm not experiencing a loss of service, just a huge reduction so don't think I even qualify for that. Downloads speeds don't really matter to me, I'm on Gig1 because of the fast upload but I'd be as well on the basic package as things currently stand.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 12-03-31 speed test - Google Search.png

My Broadband Ping - Hub 5

Thanks for coming back to us @kreg and I'm sorry that the re-emergence of this issues is ongoing.

I've been able to look into the local area and can see that the local area outage is still present and is now estimated to be resolved on 19/01/24 at 09:05am.

We apologise for the delay in getting this resolved in full and our team will do all within their power to have this fixed for all effected users.

