WiFi Pods - Ethernet Input for Backhaul
Hi folks,
I'd like to use the Virgin Wifi Pods to extend my Wifi network. I have ethernet access to my Hub 3 router in the areas where I would like to extend the weak Wifi network using the Virgin Wifi Pods.
The problem is that the Virgin Wifi Pod cannot seem to utilise the wired ethernet connection to the Hub 3 and is relying on relaying the weak Wifi connection from the Hub 3. In other words, the pods do not seem to allow Ethernet Backhaul. The pods are rebranded Plume devices and the Plume website specifically recommends an ethernet connection to the pods, "Does Plume support Ethernet Backhaul? Absolutely. Plume supports Ethernet backhaul. This means you can set up multiple gateway pods by connecting them directly together via Ethernet to deliver the fastest possible performance to your devices."
Virgin seem to have disabled this feature and only support output from the Wifi Pod's ethernet port. Does anyone know why this is and can it be changed? It would be great if we could encourage Virgin to unlock this feature. 🤞
From reading on this forum, the Wifi Pod test group received pods with 2 ethernet ports that did offer Backhaul. However I have a single ethernet port pod as pictured below which would be so much more useful if Backhaul were enabled!
Thanks for both of your help thus far. We have success! 🎉
Cabling was all ok. Channel Optimisation is switched ‘on’ already. It was Step 6 of Adri_G's post which solved it in the end. I have 2 pods, and I swapped the pods over. The second pod automatically connected by ethernet backhaul after about 5 mins. I now have full speed in the garden office from the pod which is connected to my Hub 3 by Cat6 ethernet cable. Great to have it working and I'm pleased that we could get a firm answer and result on this topic; The single ethernet port VM rebranded Plume pods do support ethernet backhaul. 👌
In response to your question Adri, it is the single ethernet port device as pictured in my first post.
Alex_RM and Adri_G could you replace the faulty pod please? Happy to share my details in DM.