Forum Discussion

MotoGPMaz's avatar
Tuning in
3 months ago

Lan connection not working so I have no heating.

I had a nightmare with BT/EE for 5 months. There is a local issue they cannot fix and thousands have left them in my town.  So I dumped my contract and joined Virginmedia. Internet is great, but my LAN ports do not work.  I have internet heating that works from an app from a unit that plugs into a LAN ports, it’s worked fine in every single modem, but not this one, as I’m severely disabled and sometimes cannot get out of bed I need my heating app as the thermostat is elsewhere.  The engineer did not bother plugging this back into the modem. I did, none of the LAN ports work, I have no heating, I’m freezing and the ‘Indian’ contact centre didn’t give too hoots and told me they will send someone out on Monday, great accessibility support guys…………not impressed……so I guess I’ll just freeze to death till my carer gets here then 😳

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Someone will reply here soon - there have been several similar posts on here with solutions that worked.

    But... what Hub model is it and do the ports work ok when you plug a computer/laptop/console/phone etc into them on a good ethernet cable ?

    Also, what make/model of heating module is it you are plugging in?

    • MotoGPMaz's avatar
      Tuning in

      I think it’s the new hub 5 and I suspect it may be the Ethernet cable, I’ve ordered a higher cat rated cable to see if this works. It worked fine on BT/EE.  TBH I’m severely disabled therefore I’m restricted by what I can do myself.  The engineer could see this was plugged in and surely you’d think he would have said something, or at least tried it himself, like the BT engineer did. I’ve never had an issue with the heating on a LAN port until now, so I’m going to try a better Ethernet cable, see if this works, failing that I complained and they sending out another engineer on Monday…….I’ve managed to get my WiFi heating working, I just cannot use the app as the Ethernet connector won’t work……..

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM hub has limited support you need to look at a better router with 1Gb ports and put hub in modem mode

    • MotoGPMaz's avatar
      Tuning in

      Will a higher cat Ethernet cable work to connect this t p link hub to my mode, then I can plug my heating system into the t p box? 

      • Robert_P's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hello MotoGPMaz


        Thanks for posting on the forums in regards to your hub and port issues, we appreciate you letting us know via the forums and welcome to the community.


        From checking, we can see you have spoken to the team earlier today in regards to this. We trust they were able to help and offer a resolution to your query, if you do need further support please don't hesitate to reach out via the forums.

    • MotoGPMaz's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thank you I bought a tp link lan box and updated lan cable and it worked. Appreciate the help, as the helpline didn’t gave a clue and quite frankly didn’t care.  Cancelled the engineer.  Quite proud of myself lol 😂 

      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Well done MotoGPMaz  - I'm proud of you too.

        Most posters on the forums are pretty good with their advice and there are some great tech guru's amongst them that are well versed in broadband problems and can also think outside of the box when needed. 

        If you do have any future issues please try the forums again as their advice is based on common problems that crop up in the forums.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I suspect this is yet another instance of a Hub 5 not working with a 10Mb/s heating controller
    and a low cost 10/100 or a 10/100/1000 switch being required to recreate a 10Mb/s connection for the heating controller.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Higher grade network cables are fine, but CAT5e would be fine.

    If you have some network cables to hand give them a try as it may get you back on line.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    There's a deeper problem here. 

    An ISP (Virginmedia or any other) is contracted to provide a broadband service, with a terminal for connecting to the Internet. 

    But now that terminal is expected to serve as the focal point, the central controlling feature of critical appliances in the house. 

    That's not what the ISP advertises its service to do.