2 years agoOn our wavelength
Getting under 100mbps through TPlink router plugged into Hub 3
I recently purchased a TP Link AC1200 as I was unhappy with the wifi reliability of the Virgin Hub 3.
I pay for the 250Mb Virgin package and prior the installation of the router I was getting almost that speed through Hub3 Wifi (albeit with an unreliable connection).
Since connecting the TP Link router to the Hub 3 I am now getting under 100Mb from the wifi through the new router.
I understand this is because the Hub3 network ports only provide a 100Mb speed therefore this is the max i would be able to get through the connected TP Link router.
What would be my best way forward to get the speed that I am paying for (up to 250Mb) through the TP Link router, as I want the speed plus the reliable connection.