Forum Discussion

wisedroid's avatar
Up to speed
6 months ago

Choose this deal and keep your current Virgin Media plan without losing anything...


I was offered a renewal deal on MyVirginMedia which clearly said that I would not lose anything in my deal. The pre-contract was missing my additional v6 box and TNT sport. I checked this with 2 different chat agents who assured me they would be included, so I went ahead.

I've now had the final contract through and they are missing. I have screenshots/transcripts of all the chats and original offer. What is the best way to resolve this?

Appreciate your help as always!

  • Thanks for your time today wisedroid.

    Glad to be able to help get this renewal offer investigated and fixed.

    if you need anything else, you know where we are.


  • If you have the evidence then VM should be bound to honour what has been agreed in writing with you. Give the VM forum team a chance to resolve it and if there is no progress come back to your thread with an update. 

    • wisedroid's avatar
      Up to speed

      Thank you. Happy to share the chat transcripts etc. with the forum team. I tried calling 150 but the change hasn't applied yet so they couldn't help. I want to ensure everything is correct (or revert back) before I lose access to anything.

      • wisedroid's avatar
        Up to speed

        If it can’t be honoured I’d rather revert back to my out of contract deal as it was still a pretty good price 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Can you post up the screenshots of where you were told TNT Sports would be included on any new MegaTV-based TV package?

    • wisedroid's avatar
      Up to speed

      Thank you for the reply! This was the first screen and then I confirmed via chat that it would be included. Interestingly although the pre-contract information does not call out TNT, it is MAXIT which is on the contract.

  • Here is the key part of the chat but can share the full transcript if needed (when I called 150 they said it was on my file too)

    And here is the new contract summary page - key difference from my old one is No additional v6 box (but equally does not call out any box) and no TNT sport but the My Virgin Media page actually still shows this under Maxit so perhaps it is all good?

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I think you're falling through a marketing crack here, your initial post suggested that you had a live-chat or similar, which confirmed TNT Sports would be included on any new deal.

    Not to demean the wording of the screenshot you have, but that's poorly-worded marketing rather than CS agents caught saying things they shouldn't. Edited to add that I can see you've now posted a second reply with CS agents scoring another own-goal with TNT.

    It amounts to the same end result though. Maxit is a legacy package and has not been available to re-contract since Sept 2023. A new renegotiation will result in being moved to Mega, which doesn't include TNT.

    • wisedroid's avatar
      Up to speed

      Yeah I did not realise this would be an issue and would never have renegotiated until October when my discount ran out if I had not been sent this offer. I actually have 2 separate chats asking about this - originally I was purely concerned about the second box being missing.

      As above the contract does still say Maxit. EDIT - just to clarify that is the new deal contract

      So I guess options are raise a complaint with a view to honouring this? Now I've searched I can see it has been an an issue before with CS resolving eventually... Or can I cancel the new order/revert and wait until October?

      • Cardiffman282's avatar
        Trouble shooter

        I think you have VM by its testimonials here. See if the VM forum team agrees otherwise raise a formal written complaint with a view to escalating to the Ombudsman. Link is below. 

    • wisedroid's avatar
      Up to speed

      japitts wrote:

      I think you're falling through a marketing crack here, your initial post suggested that you had a live-chat or similar, which confirmed TNT Sports would be included on any new deal.

      Not to demean the wording of the screenshot you have, but that's poorly-worded marketing rather than CS agents caught saying things they shouldn't. Edited to add that I can see you've now posted a second reply with CS agents scoring another own-goal with TNT.

      It amounts to the same end result though. Maxit is a legacy package and has not been available to re-contract since Sept 2023. A new renegotiation will result in being moved to Mega, which doesn't include TNT.

      Just on this point, why with VM do we seemingly need to decode and understand their internal changes to figure out whether what is being offered is genuine? Then to be fair its possible normally get things sorted (like when I was missold TV360) but it takes a load of chats/escalations etc. This time around I don't have time for a lengthy debate with support so I hope I can just get my existing deal back.

  • Just like you wisedroid i too got an offer from virginmedia via My Virginmedia app, "Choose this deal and keep your current Virgin Media plan without losing anything" and like you i have a second tv box and TNT sports, the offer itself is ok, not brilliant but not bad, but i'm so wary of accepting, cant do with hassle of calling Virginmedia and talking to someone who is not that helpful, i enter my final 30 days of contract next week, so think it might be best talking to retensions department, finger crossed.