Virgin TV 360
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Forum Posts

TV 360 upgrade woes

Hi, For those intending to upgrade from V6 / TiVo boxes, I wanted to share my experience and feedback.If you’re a fan of the following functionality, reconsider :- Wishlists, the ability to autorecord based on any keyword- Ability to set recording wh...

Xgriff by Tuning in
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Resolved! TV360 remote not working properly

HiSome of my TV360 remote buttons aren't working. They won't change channel, OK does nothing, and it won't pause/rewind/forward. The home button works at the moment, so do the volume buttons. I never asked for TV360, I actually told Virgin I did not ...

lena2 by Tuning in
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Problems with main virgin box

Having problems with our main box, we can turn tv in with white tv button but nothing happening with red virgin button, been through all diagnostics can’t find the fault, the tv will work through the free view box but can’t get onto virgin, we have m...

Resolved! Recording playback jumps to the end of the recording

Hi there,This is happening 80% of times when I try to play back a long live sport recording.When I try and play back a recording the recording position jumps to the end of the recording. I see the "Delete or Keep" message but the video is playing fro...

dalodge by Tuning in
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latest software for tv 360

Just received a message about a software update for my tv (360) but it went off, the latest build version is 5.03 - is that the latest version as I cant see any difference and as usual there's nowhere to find out on the virgin help pages. Tia

Persistent failed recordings. on TV V360 box

Hi,I’m hoping one of the technical staff see this and can look into a fault for me. We have experienced failed recordings for about 6 months now.We have reset the box, reset to factory settings, changed the power options, changed from Wi-Fi to ethern...

pbeesley by On our wavelength
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