a week ago
Came back off holiday to a solid red light on my hub3. As we have been away It couldnt of overheated, it dosnt feel warm anywhere, I have reset and factory reset the hub but the red light is still on.
I have read a few posts about this issue and possible fixes but it seems the last option is to replace it or get and engineer out.
a week ago
If the red LED persists after a pinhole reset, the Hub should be swapped out. This red LED is the overheat warning and should be working correctly. If you wait here a couple of days a VM Mod should pick this up and discuss directly with you.
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a week ago
Hi @Arronb88,
Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.
I'm sorry to hear that you're getting a constant solid red light on your router. If you haven't done so already, please follow the below steps.
• Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.
• Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight.
• Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally.
If the issues persist after following the above, please respond to the private message that I'll be sending to you shortly and we'll proceed from there.