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Not able to create password

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I’m trying to create a Virgin Media account, but it’s not allowing me to create a password. Any password that I create is being refused with… password cannot be used.

Can you help?



Hey @DancingQueen192,

Sorry to hear you are having this issue, I would like to go about looking into this with you, for me to do so I will need to confirm some information from you in a quick private message.


Same thing with me and I get this every morning I need to change the password. At some point, it will randomly start working. It’s really unbelievable and unacceptable.been happening for years. 

Hi MightyIgor, 

Thanks for using the Community Forums to get this issue with your MyVM Account looked into, I am sorry if this has been causing some frustration 😥 I would be more than happy to look into this for you! 

As you've mentioned this is an intermittent issue, could I ask if this is apparent now since you last posted? 

Could you go through the steps you take when it doesn't work please? 

What browser are you using?

What device are you using? 



On our wavelength

I got this too just now

I found it was ticked when the page first loaded, but if I clicked ANYWHERE outside of the password box it turned to a cross - so I had to be careful only to click on the password input boxes to get them in keyboard focus and nowhere else


It's a web coding bug

Wouldn't work in Firefox but worked with Chrome

THANK YOU! I know this thread is a couple of years old but amazingly this is still a problem and your answer wad the only solution