dejannaa wrote:
Exactly same thing happened to me. My contract started in August 2022 and was supposed to end in February 2024. I’ve just checked and when I moved home in February 2023, I was sent new contract and I’m tight up in another 18 months contract ending August 2024. I had so much issues with this move and spent lots of time on the phone and on the chat with totally unhelpful people. I had yodel courier “not able to find the block of flats” and after spending hours on the phone with virgin media when I was told they don’t know why new router was sent and the old one should work (it didn’t) and someone made mistake with the whole procedure, after a few days yodel delivered finally the new router and I was able to connect the internet. I have lost a few days of work because of that. Because of all that mess I totally forgot to read new contract but I was assured nothing will change from my other contract (and then I actually found out I will be paying more and there is nothing they can do about it). I will have to move houses soon due to unforeseen reasons and I am literally sick that I have to deal with all of that again. I would prefer to end the contract (and sign with other company) and even pay the outstanding amount but now it’s £600! Can someone please contact me and help to sort it out? I’m scared to call again as it takes huge amount of time and results with nothing.
Firstly, I am so sorry to hear of the distress this episode has caused you, something, incidentally, which would mitigate in your favour, should you decide to escalate this issue to the Industry Ombudsman, not that this will be necessary, as I’m sure that a member of the forum team will respond in due course and offer to sort this all out seamlessly. Otherwise, they really do know where this will end and what the outcome will be; hint, not good for VM!
Firstly, just so you are aware of the legality here, when you sign up, you and VM have a contract to provide a service to a particular address for a minimum of 18 months, NOT to you as an individual. So, in theory, if you move, then, tough, you still need to pay them or fork out for an early disconnection fee (EDF). However, VM have a policy, whereby if you move within the 18 month period and take your existing contract with you, and, critically, make no changes, then yes, a new 18 month contract is generated, BUT this contact should be altered to reflect the conditions of your old one, ie the end date should be changed to match the end date of your existing contract.
Now for some reason, and a cynical person might think this was deliberate to try to ‘trap’ customers into paying more, or possibly, simply a case of institutional incompetence, this doesn’t seem to always happen. Apparently it requires a ‘manual’ intervention by a manger to ‘adjust’ the contract - (you know what, considering how many times this issues comes up, I’m beginning to tend to the ‘deliberate attempt to defraud customers’ .side of the argument, surely no company can be this incompetent and still be in business, can they?).
But I digress, what you need to do is raise a formal complaint, and probably do it in writing to their Sunderland office, let the complaint be fobbed off and then escalate it to the industry arbitration service - and when and if that happens, then do post back on here first for further advice or how to best frame the complaint!
However, none of this will be necessary, because as mentioned above, the eventual outcome won’t be good for VM so I’m sure that a forum team member will get involved (won’t you) and, mysteriously, sort it all out, something that seems to be beyond the ability of what is, laughingly, regarded as a customer services provision!