Contract ending/moving house
Just wondering if someone could explain what happens when your contract ends? Can you then leave at any time after this as long as you give the 30 days notice?
Our contract is due to end in January, we are due to move house December. I am considering leaving Virgin but not 100% sure yet. Just debating if it’s best to carry Virgin over to the new property as we’re are already set up and then decide whether to leave or stay. I was just worried we would go straight into another 2 year contract.
Thanks 😊
The contract never ends with VM. After 18 months it reverts to a rolling 30 day contract and usually all the discounts end. It can be quite a price hike! If you are moving and you negotiate to the new address, this may set you back on a fresh 18 month term. Be very careful when negotiating this one. If you leave however, after 3 months you are then a “new” customer and generally the best deals. When leaving the 30 day rolling you need to give 30 days notice.