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Landline phone not working

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Landline phone crackles. After dial tone still crackles. Checked socket, used alternative phones. Virgin help page says no fault. No way to contact virgin for line check.. any ideas?



Accepted Solutions

Hi Rdickinson

Thanks for your reply - do keep us posted with how things go with a new handset in place. If you're still hearing the crackling and unable to make outgoing calls, let us know and we can book in a visit for you.



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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Rdickinson 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

We're sorry to hear about the problem you're experiencing 😔

Can you please answer the following questions:

Is the phone currently plugged into an extension (without a Virgin Media logo)?
How many pieces of equipment are connected to the phone line? Less than or more than three?
Does the phone work in the Master Socket (with a Virgin Media logo)?


Hello Daniel

answers: yes it was, zero ext. nothing from master.

Switched  router  off/on. No actually sure if the phone is an independent wire. I appear to have a two wire system.

just checking; which wire colours and terminals should be used? I think it is a rain problem. We have had it before in the box though would this affect my internet also?

Hi Rdickinson,

Are you able to send us over a picture of your set up so we can see what you mean?

It looks like you are still on the traditional landline service, meaning your phone connection will still be over the copper network.

We can't see any issues from this side, so we will likely need to arrange an engineer visit so we can fix the issue.


Ok. Don’t have a mobile. Don’t think a picture would help. Phone plugged into master socket. Crackling.

just got an incoming call. Phone rang then just crackling. I have tried other phones but will try another and wait for another call. Otherwise will book engineer. Person who called said it rang ok but no contact. Will message her with different phone connected.


Hi Rdickinson

Thanks for your reply - do keep us posted with how things go with a new handset in place. If you're still hearing the crackling and unable to make outgoing calls, let us know and we can book in a visit for you.



Hello. Thanks for your reply. Tried two old type phones. There is no dialling tone. They appear dead, using master or remote socket. Apparently, caller called in, she just heard continual ringing. We called out, listener heard ringing but nothing else.  Is this a power problem?


Than you for trying this and I am so sorry that this has not resulted in the issue being fixed @Rdickinson 

I do think it would be best we get an engineer out to take a look so I will pop you a private message so we can take a few details and get this arranged.

I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.