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Loss of Email - F010762348




We are aware that some customers are experiencing issues with their email service and are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. Our teams are working flat out to fully restore all emails as soon as possible.


Update 13/07/23 - This has now been resolved. If you are still having issues, please make your own separate post giving as much detail as possible.

3,132 REPLIES 3,132

On our wavelength

HI jb3010

Ive been checking on the hour and just gone to look and they are all there again-  in folders I created, in the sent box, everywhere..... 

hi did you have to do anything thanks john

oh thats great maybe they are sending them in batches hopefully 

Dialled in

Nothing here yet. Guess I'll be a bit more patient

Can you just confirm you changed the APP Password? (if it says oops, try again).

I do not work for VM, but I would. It is just a Job.
Most things I say I make up and sometimes it's useful, don't be mean if it's wrong.
I would also make websites for them, because the job never seems to require the website to work.

On our wavelength

Virgin, it might be an idea to open another thread giving instructions re receiving/sending email on different platforms e.g. different passwords, settings may be needed etc. I am getting different server responses depending on the platform I use. Basically clutching at straws to see if anything works. I have several ntlworld & virginmedia email accounts. What I'm doing now is:

1. Logging in to webmail on Chrome via android phone. My most regular way for collecting mail on the go.

2. Logging in to Outlook on my pc. Been using this for 28 years to collect mail and store in various folders.

3. Adding ntl & virgin email details into gmail and logging in from an android phone to send & receive.

4. New set up on webmail using Chrome to forward all ntl & virgin mail to a brand new gmail account on my android phone.

I have varying degrees of success. Still no historical emails which were sitting nicely in my computer's Outlook mailboxes. A send & receive on 18th June and the whole lot vanished. Odd as I thought when they were on my pc they were 'safe'. My last mail backup was about 3 years ago and only when I got a new pc.

So, quite frankly, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I desperately need the historical mails and a normal, reliable email service.


On our wavelength

My historic emails all still missing, desperate for access to them, keep getting fobbed off with "we are working on it" where are they ?

Tuning in

I've spent over 2 hours on webchat with Microsoft who have categorically confirmed the problem I'm having accessing emails via Outlook is entirely Virgin Media's fault. So how long are we expected to put up with this exactly????  Like alot of people I rely on being able to use Outlook in their day to day activities, so just telling people you're working on it will only wash for a short while. 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@BigBadDad43 I appreciate that your issue may be connected with the recent VM email issues but it may not be.

Can you explain what exact issues you are getting with access via Outlook.

Also, it would help to know if you can access the email account concerned via VM mail using this link:



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Tuning in

Okay - so thanks to the various responses, I am now able to access emails from apps on both PCs now.  It came down to having to set a new, different, password for accessing email on Apps.  Easy, once you know how!  It's a pity no-one at VM thought to mention this change before they made!  Or did they, and I missed it?