We are aware that some customers are experiencing issues with their email service and are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. Our teams are working flat out to fully re...
Please help................unable to access my email address on any of my devices! Just continually get the message "connection timed out. Please try reloading the page"
Does my email account need resetting my virgin media? I need access to my emails as I have very important correspondence that I need to reply to - so this problwm is hugely inconvenient!
Can’t receive or send any mail send since yesterday either. Had the same error message on the laptop, connection timed out… Important mail for work expected, can’t even load old messages on my phone
I've got the same problem just now on all devices. I notice there is planned work for 21st June - maybe they brought it forward. Tried phoning Virgin Media, but not could not report a problem with email - just broadband - which they checked and said it is working - I know it is working cause I'm using it. When I rang up a second time, they tried to put me through to a person, but then said office was closed.
Hopefully it will be fixed when I wake up tomorrow. Would be nice to have more updates on the service status whenever there is a fault like this, or they have changed the scheduled upgrades!
Same here - I discovered the app password setting and set one up.
I still can't get to email by any means. Web mail returns the timed out message as per OP. IMAP in outlook says "Task 'Synchronizing subscribed folders for NTLWorld' reported error (0x800CCC0E) : 'Outlook cannot synchronize subscribed folders for NTLWorld. Error: Cannot connect to the server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).' A new generated app password did not fix that,
However, I can send emails from the account using Outlook and the new VM-generated password.
I have similar issue, can't sign into virgin. Net email.. States my password was changed when it hasn't.. I logged into to virgin and can't retrieve emails or password reset due to page timeout.. So frustrating!
As of 19/06/23, I am also unable to access any of my or mailboxes via my email client (Outlook 2019).
Webmail is also down.
This is very frustrating, as I have important (work-related) emails that I needed to send this morning via my main address.
I'm hopeful that a fix can be implemented as quickly as possible.
On the plus-side, I have back-up Gmail and Proton email addresses (which are working fine, as per the images below), but I need to send some email via my address as soon as possible.
And if VM have been working on a fault or upgrade over the weekend it should have been notified. And Support staff made available outside working hours to deal with queries.
I agree. Still not working. Not a Windows issue as does not work on Ipad or going into email directly from the Virgin Media website. Get a message saying appsuite timed out, try reloading page. Either Virgin is doing some work and haven't said anything or they don't know about the problem.
Anyone know how to easily report the fact that email is not working? When ringing up you only get options to report errors on Broadband, TV or Phone. If you select broadband, they test the system and say there are no issues with the Broadband and then send a link for you to try and fix it yourself.