GeoffBeck13 wrote:
When pressing the back arrow on my Virgin 360 remote it used to rewind 10 seconds, now it mostly goes into fast rewind. Similar when using the back arrow when on the guide it suddenly shifts back hours. Is this a common fault?
When you refer to the Back arrow button, it sounds like you are referring to the rewind button directly to the left of the Play/Pause button. This does have 4 rewind speeds as suggested by Gareth_L - it's possible that this button has 'stuck' so a reboot should fix it, or try cleaning the remote/inserting new batteries.
If you press this button when in the EPG (channel guide) it goes back 24 hours each time you press it. In the same vein, if you press the fast forward button whilst in the TV guide then it moves the guide forward 24 hours for each press of the button.
You need to be pressing the navigational button to the left of the OK button when in the EPG (Guide) to scroll back through the current days listing one program at a time. Similarily pressing the right navigational button when in the EPG (guide) advances the current days listing one program at a time.