My Home Landline is not working again!!
Once again my home phone isn’t working, everything was fine, until my hub started a reboot on it own since then my landline doesn’t work. 1 hour 30 mins on the phone passed from one person after another, I have to wait 72 hours. They even told me they had tried the line and all was OK when they rang it…..absolutely rubbish. I have a flashing red telephone symbol on my hub, the internet is fine, I even have a fail tone, but if I ring any numbers I just get an engaged tone, try ring the line line and it says number unavailable. Same issue last year took 2 engineers visits, just to tell me it was disconnected at their end, they even rang the office to report it. On the second visit he got them to reconnect it, that lasted 3 hours and was disconnected again. Virgin media is a joke of a company, customer no service what so ever are useless……….