Forum Discussion

jaybee84's avatar
On our wavelength
3 months ago

Engaged tone when calling relative from landline when not engaged

Something weird is going on with one specific number we cannot connect to via our home landline, whenever we call it, it's rings twice then gets an engaged tone, we used to get an automated message, something along the lines of cannot be contacted at this time.


Only our home landline is having a problem with this one number, everyone in the house can phone it on their mobiles and get through no problem, the problem number has also been ported to multiple different networks over the last year or so and the problem was still existent.


Does anyone what could be going on?



Thanks In advance 



  • Hi jaybee84,

    Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

    I'm sorry to hear you're having some trouble calling a specific number via your landline service. To clarify, you can call any other number via your landline without any issues as far as you're aware? Can you also confirm what kind of number (e.g. landline, mobile, premium, non-UK, etc.) you're calling?


    • jaybee84's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Yeah, we can get through to other numbers on the landline.

      It's one persons mobile number we are having problems connecting to, they're currently on Lebara, but the problem was still there when they were on 3

  • Thank you for confirming this jaybee84 

    We'd recommend you let the person with the mobile know of this as this could been an issue with the number port they had. Landline to mobile calls are routed differently then mobile to mobile calls, so this does sound like an issue with the number port itself at some point in its journey. 

    As this issue is only affecting the one number, this would more than likely be the cause.