Forum Discussion

LastLight's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

Upload speed is abysmal NE4

Hello, currently haveing an issue with my speeds.
Download speed with the exception of last week (it droped to 60 untill a restart) is fine always between 440 and 500. upload however is repeatedly droping down to anywhere between 0.00 and 0.50 mbps, when its default is 60. Makeing it borderline imposible to load any pages.
Restarting the router has been fixing it temporaraly untill today.
service status checks all come back as there is no problem. Contacting someone to talk to about it however has been a nightmare.
The virgin site barely loads because of it, live chat doesn't work and the contact numbers are all throwing me to the bill payment line even though my bill isn't due.
Im fairly sure my router is in need of a replacent at this point but can't get threw to anyone to deal with it.

  • Hi LastLight


    We're sorry to hear of the issues experienced with your upload speeds, we appreciate you taking the time to raise this via the forums and welcome to the community.


    From checking the equipment and connection, all of the levels and spec's appear to be within the ranges and specs we'd expect to see. Speed wise, to the Hub, are showing as averaging 560mbps download and 53mbps upload. There were some disconnections from the network earlier in the week but these seem to have settled down since.

    Have you noticed this to be the case? When testing the speeds are you doing this over a wired or wireless network?



  • Hi sorry for the late reply, It did settle down, however it's back to being dodgy again. Im currently getting 9 mbps upload and download on the router, after a restart and a reboot.
    Wired connection to both computers.

  • going by that site im assumeing its going to be both my ethernet cables that are knackerd is that so?

  • hmm, I'll replace my cables on Tuesday when i get paid and see if the speed problem persists.
    If so I'll have to see about a hub replacement or getting an engineer out.
    I am leaning towards the hub being Faulty though, as iv had trouble even logging into the thing with the 192.168.

    • carl_pearce's avatar
      Community elder

      Just under 10Mbps up and down is suspiciously close to ethernet running at a VERY low link speed (1Gbps/100Mbps/10Mbps).

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for coming back to the thread LastLight, and do please keep us updated.

      We'll be on hand to offer further assistance where possible, is the cable replacement is not the answer



  • Hi, So iv replaced both ethernet cables.
    pulling in 470mbps on one machine now and 411mbps on the other with the routers speed reported as 534 mbps.
    both machine's and the router/hub had to be restarted to get those speeds however as they were caping out at 90.
    I'll be keeping an eye on the performance over the next few days to see if there is any issues. ill report back on say thursday or friday on if its stable again.