Forum Discussion

pixeljuice23's avatar
Joining in
5 months ago

Ridiculous password requirements - Can't set up my account

I have tried around 50 different passwords, including just sets of random letters and numbers. Every time it tells me that I have added a prohibited word.

How is a random string of letters, numbers and special characters a prohibited word?

Here's an example password I've tried to use (not actually using this)


I have followed the guidelines to the letter.

This is beyond ridiculous. I'm now seriously considering just cancelling my entire order and going with a competitor at this point - Looks like one of your developers needs to take a look at this system as it's clearly broken.

Not the best start, is it?

  • Hi pixeljuice23 

    Welcome to the community forums. 

    Sorry to hear you're having issues with making a password for your online account. 

    Can you advise if you get the same error on another browser at all?

    The full criteria for the password are as follows:


    •  Be between 8-64 characters.
    •  Must start with a letter.
    •  Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

    •  Contain at least one number.

    •  Special characters are allowed but not required (e.g. ! # % & @).
    •  Cannot contain easy to guess words, usernames, or previously used passwords.

    • newtovirgn1000's avatar
      Joining in

      I have the same problem.

      Multiple attempts using random generators. Confirm they conform to:

      •  Be between 8-64 characters.
      •  Must start with a letter.
      •  Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

      •  Contain at least one number.

      •  Special characters are allowed but not required (e.g. ! # % & @).
      •  Cannot contain easy to guess words, usernames, or previously used passwords.

      Accepts password and then when I enter it the second time as confirmation, it gives a "prohibited word" error.

      Advice please

      Tried Chrome and Safari on mobile and on desktop.



      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hey newtovirgin1000, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear you are having some password errors, also a very warm welcome to the community. 

        I would try and keep it pretty simple if possible?

        Try a word which is very simple with them added characters and you should be fine.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    My guess is it does not like the sequence ‘jk’ repeated 3 times.