Virgin on the ridiculous.
I have been with Virgin Media since early March, my broadband has been up and running since 13th March, and that is when the problems started. As part of the package I asked for my number with BT be ported to Virgin, and after three port requests it still has not happened. Part of the problem is that my phone number used to belong to Virgin and it was moved to BT some 15 years ago. Now you would think that moving the number 'back to home' would be a fairly simple thing, but you would be wrong. I have been on at them time and time again, been told things that are simply not true, been promised callbacks that never happened, been asked to wait a few extra days for the porting team to resolve the problem. Yesterday I was told it had been ported 6 days ago, until I told him I was calling on the BT line, then I was told I had been given wrong information, which I already knew. Then I was told that I had to contact BT to tell them I was moving to Virgin, which I do not as the port request does that, and to top it all I was told he would have to put another port request in (the 4th), by which time lost it and hung up. I am told that I will get a call from retentions on Tuesday to follow up on the 3rd port request, now that should be an interesting conversation.
Hey Alanj_49,
Sorry to hear that this is still ongoing, with this we would like to look into this further with you as best as we can to hopefully provide some further information.
For this I will be sending you a private message to confirm some extra information.