Forum Discussion

Karin-Reenie's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Unauthorised new virgin installation

Virgin media have built a junction box on our grade two listed historic stone and flint gateway without our consent. Please can you remove it immediately? We are at [REMOVED] We do not want any technical equipment attached to our historic structures and have not requested a virgin media installation. This is a heritage crime and we don’t want to get blamed for it either. Your cooperation would be gratefully received, as a conservation officer from the council will be inspecting for other damage on Friday 20 December. We never asked for this installation, we’re never asked for consent, we own the property, and are being harassed by neighbours who may well have asked you to install it. We will be reporting this to the police as we have been asked to report all instances of harassment by then to the police. Many thanks for taking the time to consider helping us and just removing it? Kind regards Karin 


[MOD EDIT: Personal information has been removed from this post.]

  • It would be good to add photographs of the relevant equipment.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It would be good to add photographs of the relevant equipment.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    And mention the postcode. There are a few St. Leonards Roads in the country. 

    • -tony-'s avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      expect nothing from VM and you wont be disappointed - staff will get to the thread and apart from an apology and maybe a message to open a complaint nothing will happen - if the 'box' is on the pavement then it should have council permission so they are your point of contact - if its attached to your property then the quick solution is to remove it yourself - VM take little to no notice of regulations and generally do whatever they want - the lack of 3rd part permission and wayleave agreements are not something that generally stop them installing anything

      in short - you need to drive this if the install is on your property - work with the conservation officer or seek legal advice

      • NeverAgainEh's avatar
        Joining in

        Yes that's definitely the one. Not a good idea of OP to use the same username across sites.

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us Karin-Reenie. I would be happy to take a further look into this but would need to take a few details via private message. Please respond to my private message and we can get started. 

        Kind Regards,


  • Hi there Karin-Reenie 👋 Welcome to the forum and thanks for your post 😊

    Sorry to see that your unhappy with what has been built. Just a couple of things we need to clarify to help:


    • Has this been built directly onto your property?
    • Has there been any damage caused
    • Do you have any photos of this 

    Please get back to us as soon as possible with this information so we can then assist.



    • Karin-Reenie's avatar
      Tuning in

      Dear Nathan 

      Thanks for your reply- and in answer to your questions

      1. yes it’s built illegally on my property without my consent 

      2. yes there’s been damaged caused to the pointing and flint of my historic grade two listed gate

      ive sent virgin some photos by email and will try again 

      • Sabrina_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Karin-Reenie 👋.

        Thanks for reaching back out to us, a Virgin Media Forum member had reached out to you privately for some details so that we could look into this further, but we had not received your response. We shall send you another private message if you could reply to it.

        Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.



  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    We know that VM's contractors do sometimes carelessly install at the wrong address, but how does someone manage to get a box installed without placing an order and getting a direct debit set up? 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    From  "built a junction box"  I was expecting to see a a robust street cabinet on a hard standing.

    Hmm !

  • @Karin-Reenie have you spoken to your neighbour and asked them whether they have placed an order from VM or have you burnt that bridge?

    It looks like they have placed it to the left so that it does not protrude from the brickwork on the right.

    If it's in the wrong place hopefully VM will move it but don't bank on compensation although your council may have something to say to VM.

    • -tony-'s avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      as i said earlier - expect little from VM - an apology maybe but getting them to do anything will be an uphill battle - to clarify what that is - its an omnibox which is the external pont of the cable back to the street cabinet - that was installed by external contractors who had a work order from VM - they may have installed it in the wrong place - thats certainly not unknown but it may be correct as far as they see it as its looks to be above the pavement tee tha will serve you and maybe other properties to the right of it

      whats unusual is that that box is usually on the front of the house not pavement facing - maybe your gate is locked and they chose the easy option

      the next stage will be for a vm tech to come and connect from that to whoever has ordered the service - that involves a cable from there to the property which will go through the wall across the garden and into the property - the fact its not for you will not stop them drilling through your wall and stringing any cable across your garden - illegal - yes - do the care - no

      you have choices

      wait her for VM to sort it - might happen but unlikely

      accept what ever happens next and come back and complain and hope for a better outcome than has happened already

      remove the box and wire and see what happens - its on your wall but is pavement facing - legal advice might be good on what the law says about that

      but if things go as they usually do VM will just keep going and mess you about hoping you go away