Firstly, callbacks simply don’t happen, ever, well, maybe, sometimes! It’s a rouse to get you off the phone and they chalk up a ‘closed call’. This has been the case for years, and if a member of the forum team were to respond on here and dispute this, they are basically lying, because this is absolutely the case. And they know it but can’t admit it for obvious reasons!
Fair enough.
Secondly, does VM even have a ‘Porting team’? And if they do, does it consist of more than a single apprentice who also is tasked with the far more important job of cleaning the CEO’s car every day? Who can say?
Alas, you are outside the automatic 14 day cooling off period when you could dump VM completely without penalty. I think you will have to go legal, cite ‘Breech of Contract’, ie they promised to port your existing number, you promised to pay them £x per month. You’ve done your part, they haven’t.