Forum Discussion

sunireland's avatar
Joining in
12 months ago

Omnibox cover missing

Hi Virginmedia,

The door of the cable box in the external has been missing for a while. Can you arrange a fix for me please? pm me for more information. Thanks


  • Hi W

    Thank you for your post, welcome to the Community Forums.

    Can you please clarify exactly what it is that needs reporting? We just want to be clear as your post title suggests your omni box cover needs replacing, but your post implies that the street cabinet doors are open and need locking shut. We can help with either, we just need to be sure which so we can proceed 😊

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us sunireland, I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
        Kind Regards,