Forum Discussion

Laldersharvey's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Engineer installation needed but not informed

I am moving into my own property and have ordered Virgin Media broadband. I checked online the website and it said a self install kit was available so that’s what I booked. At no point did it say I could only do this if I had an existing Virgin Media box. I can’t double check the property right now, because I’m not at it and will only be able to scout round for another box when I go tomorrow to collect the self install kit. Pretty sure there’s only an Openreach box though, unless there’s something hiding outside somewhere. 

The self install kit is due to be delivered tomorrow. My partner will need to work from home on Monday 6th and I actually start a new job, remotely, on Tuesday 7th. 

I am unable to book an engineer until I’ve received the self install kit, and currently the next availability is Monday 6th which is obviously not soon enough given my partner needs to work on Monday. 

I am fuming because had it said at any point during the ordering process, that I’d only be able to do a self install if I had an existing VM box, I’d have ordered an engineer installation then and it would’ve been booked in time! Now we’re faced with potentially having the lose a days wages, if not more if they can’t sort it Monday, and potentially be unable to start my new job on Tuesday with all the embarrassment, unprofessionalism and inconvenience that comes with that! 

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Self install kits are supplied to be sent out when the property is marked as a previous VM user. However some properties only have a loose cable in the house, not a wall socket. Also some properties have had the VM cables removed without informing VM. 
    Hopefully there will be something for you to connect to. 

    • Laldersharvey's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi Adduxi, we will both be working remotely Monday to Friday office hours. What would you suggest as a back up option? I’ve never heard of people having back up WiFi! 

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Could be as simple as a phone hotspot or a 4/5G SIM based router.  The best but expensive is another FTTC or FTTP line. 

  • The system may have identified that the address has had a previous VM connection and therefore assumed a self install would be possible and allowed you to order.

    It certainly didn't offer me a self install option when I joined a month ago although VM has been in my street for 20 years, I needed the final connection from the pavement duct to my home in one appointment followed a few days later by a VM technician installation.

    You may be lucky and if it has previously had a VM connection there should be a brown box on an external wall and a white internal box, both the the logo on them.


    If there is no cabling or it has been cut you may need two appointments so don't bank on being up and running quickly.



  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Two points to make:

    1) VM only supplies these kits if there are records of a previous connection at the property. This method has been used to cut down on many unnecessary technicians visits that happened in the past. What VM cannot tell is if a previous occupant of the property has removed the internal, or worse still, the external infrastructure needed to reconnect.

    2) VM is a residential class service. There is no set down SLA for fixing faults as there is with a premium business connection. So if working from home is important, you should invest in a backup solution in case of breakdowns.

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    if it needs a cable fitting you may have to wait much longer than the day ot so you are thinking - the longest on here is over a year - again if external work is needed it will be passed to external contractors and thats a whole bag of works or can be 

    you will get little no no help on here from vm other than apologies and raising a complaint which will go nowhere - it might all happen on monday but you should have a plan for when it does not 

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    My standard recommendation for those who must have backup is a MiFi router with a 30-day data-only SIM card. Some of these routers have one or more Ethernet ports which I'd buy if I were in your position. And these SIM cards are readily available online and from stores such as Argos and the shops of the mobile operators.

  • unisoft's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    Look on Amazon or fleabay for prepaid SIM card that lasts a number of months. If you have your own router that can support 4g usb dongle or tether to a phone. 1p mobile uses EE full frequencies and you can buy data add-ons on 30 day basis and main SIM is 30 day rolling without credit checks.

    As others said, it could take a while and WFH sounds critical, so this backup could be sufficient for that purpose assuming you have at least one decent mobile operator signal and data speed....

  • Thanks for the help and advice everyone. I’ll look into the tethering from our phone, though neither of us currently have unlimited data and aren’t sure how much we’d need. 

    I wonder if this does turn out to be a disaster (ie not sorted this week) we cousin cancel our order under the 14 day cooling off period, and go with someone else? I definitely remember only having to plug in my Mum’s TalkTalk modem and she was good to go! 

    • jpeg1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      The 14 days doesn't start until the service is connected, so you have time to consider what to do. 

      • Laldersharvey's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks. Got to rely on Yodel doing their part today and actually delivering the thing! 

        in the meantime I’m going to research MiFi options for backup, and alternative broadband suppliers that I can just plug in and go without the need for an engineer! I assume as there’s an Openreach box that BT would be a good place to start but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Ok so I have one of these, but can’t trace where it goes into the house. It goes under the external window and then in but there’s nothing the other side on the inside except a box where the electricity meter is and I can’t see any other cables 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • unisoft's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      Sounds like could be cut off. This is a simple fix by home engineer. Probably better off with engineer visit as they can redo the connections in Brian box again and check power levels and SNR and fit an equaliser if required to attenuate a too strong signal properly.


      • Laldersharvey's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks, I’m hoping this is the case and isn’t something more complex that then needs someone else to come out. We’ve got an engineer coming Monday morning and have arranged to work from an acquaintance’s house until it’s sorted. 

  • unisoft's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    Brown box not brain box. Can no longer edit posts after posting which is highly annoying VM!!