on 10-08-2024 12:13
I have received an email from VM to say I can 'update my tv box to Virgin TV360 at no extra cost. This involves installing it via an app on the TV and I will get sent a new remote controller. Does this mean that I will be able to watch 4k content on my existing box or would I need to change my existing V6 boxes to get 4K? Any advice would be appreciated
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on 10-08-2024 13:49
If you are happy with the V6 boxes, stay with them.
on 10-08-2024 12:38
You don't need to 'update to 360' to watch 4K you can already watch 4K with a V6.
on 10-08-2024 13:49
If you are happy with the V6 boxes, stay with them.
on 10-08-2024 15:00
Many thanks for your help, did as you said and changed the settings... works fine now 😉
So, do you know if I do the app thing to get sky sports + will it affect my V6 box's performance?
on 10-08-2024 18:30
If you update to 360 to get Sky Sports+ you will lose a lot of the TiVo features.
See Tavis75 reply in this thread he sums up most or all of the missing V6 features.
on 10-08-2024 19:57
And on the other hand…
Despite some people clearly preferring TiVo, the data suggests 360 is objectively a better TV service. Customers with Virgin TV 360 consistently score higher in satsifction scores than both V6 and TiVo. They also remove their TV service at a lower rate.
In terms of improvements
All of this adds up to a much better viewing experience. I think it's important to get a balanced view before you switch, you will lose your recordings so you want to make sure it's worth it!
on 10-08-2024 20:36
When (or why can't you) can you add an undelete option which has been asked for since the 360 came out.
And also add an option to turn off the "play next episode" like the "Ask to delete" option.
on 10-08-2024 21:07
Fundamentally TV360 is different to V6, and the marketing people's use of the word "upgrade" is at best debatable. It's a bit like saying "Upgrade from Apple to Android" when many people would consider it a downgrade - in either case, it's a migration.
TiVo-software has benefits over TV360, but TV360 also has benefits over TiVo/V6. Which set of benefits are better for individuals, is subjective and down to personal usage. To cite one example, voice control is quoted as an improvement on TV360, whereas I find the same feature on other devices a complete pain and prefer V6's single-button to go between live TV & recordings. Others would argue the opposite and consider speaking to their TV box/remote as a step-forward.
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