Forum Discussion

leevienna11's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

360 upgrade

I've just upgraded to 360 from Tivo and although I'm getting used to it but the one thing I'm missing from Tivo is the Quickview feature where u can speed up recordings to 1.5 playback speed. PLEASE PLEASE add this as an update. 

  • It's not just ff 1.5x, but it manages to keep the audio undistorted. Very clever however they do it, and invaluable if you don't have time to watch a long film. 

    The problem is VM marketing the 360 as an 'upgrade', when the opposite is true. 

    The Tivo patent excuse seems to be used a lot, to explain why VM have downgraded their services with the 360. 

    They even say fast forwarding  and rewinding a few secs when pressing play is patented, which is cobblers. 

    The truth is the 360 costs them less as they don't have to pay for Tivo features. They also get commission by diverting everything to streaming, so customers can't ff through adverts. 


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    TiVo & Horizon software (which drive TV 360) are fundamentally different, in much the same way that Android is different to Apple.

    The quickview feature you mention, is well-documented on this forum as one of the TiVo-specific features that is patented by them. It is extremely unlikely to ever be replicated on Horizon.

    Other differences such as the lack of a recycle bin, and multi-channel series links, are probably far higher on VM's development list and are not patented AFAIK.

  • Mr_K's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    It's one of the many Tivo features that are missing from the 360 downgrade. 

  • Wait what?

    Playing your recording at 1.5 speed. ie. Fast forwarding.... Is patented by TiVo?

    Thats news to me.

    • Mr_K's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      It's not just ff 1.5x, but it manages to keep the audio undistorted. Very clever however they do it, and invaluable if you don't have time to watch a long film. 

      The problem is VM marketing the 360 as an 'upgrade', when the opposite is true. 

      The Tivo patent excuse seems to be used a lot, to explain why VM have downgraded their services with the 360. 

      They even say fast forwarding  and rewinding a few secs when pressing play is patented, which is cobblers. 

      The truth is the 360 costs them less as they don't have to pay for Tivo features. They also get commission by diverting everything to streaming, so customers can't ff through adverts. 


  • I thought the fast forward on the 360 box was slow and laggy because it's cheap hardware with poorly coded software. Not because TiVo has patented smooth fast forwarding.

  • Well I wish I hadn't downgraded to 360 now, should of kept tivo as it did all I wanted from it. I dont suppose there is any way back to tivo now then?

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      What were the circumstances that led to you migrating to TV360?

      Conversions are voluntary, but irreversible. Is there anything about your migration that amounts to fault on the part of VM?

      Advertising or sales talk of "upgrade" is unlikely to be seen as fault, where you had the option of declining.

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey leevienna11, thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry you feel this way about the 360 box.

      What type of issues are you facing with it?

  • What I find very peculiar in these instances of customer feedback, is the VIP's role in the demise of VM.

    It's amazing how when a customer has a genuine feature request, the VIPs always seem to defend Virgin Media....

    And I quote: "you had the option of declining"....

    Having analysed many, many businesses' customer services, the only correct response is: "Thank you for this valuable feedback, yes fast forwarding needs to be smoother. We are constantly striving to improve our products. I will forward this to the VM product improvement team and hope that we can improve the service".

    The fact that you are getting responses like "you had the option of declining" is the reason why VM's TV service will never be as good as TiVo and is henceforth, going downhill.

    VM is so out of touch with it's customers it's unreal, and instead of using VIPs as a channel for customer relations, they are using them as defenders of the companies decisions as if they have something to lose, (their VIP status).

    That's my personal analysis.