Forum Discussion

smallfacesmikey's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Upgrading to 360

Hi everyone - just wondering how I upgrade to 360 from my current V6 box. There’s nothing on the website about how to do this and can’t seem to find anyone at Virgin Media who can help.


  • Most importantly, this is not an upgrade but a conversion. It's very similar to saying that changing from Apple to Android (or vice versa) is an upgrade.

    TV360 is a completely different TV platform to TiVo/V6, with many substantial differences. If you are certain that you want to migrate to TV360, you should be able to request it by calling VM. You will be sent a new remote, and the TV360 software will be pushed to your V6 and the box reformatted.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Most importantly, this is not an upgrade but a conversion. It's very similar to saying that changing from Apple to Android (or vice versa) is an upgrade.

    TV360 is a completely different TV platform to TiVo/V6, with many substantial differences. If you are certain that you want to migrate to TV360, you should be able to request it by calling VM. You will be sent a new remote, and the TV360 software will be pushed to your V6 and the box reformatted.

    • smallfacesmikey's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you for the advice. I’ll have a think over Xmas and see what the benefit is. I’m hoping the HD quality will be better. Have a great Xmas.

    • PeteT41's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Maybe you need to tell your ops and marketing team to check things work before going live

  • You wouldn't have been a small face's fan by any chance.

    Just to add to japitts answer I don't know who you spoke to at Virgin because they are pushing you to change to 360.

    You might miss some of the TiVo feature's if you do migrate to 360, I would do a search on this forum first and then if you still want to change, (there's no going back if you don't like it), your best bet would be to phone Virgin and select the "leaving option" and see what the best deal they can offer because it might mean a change to your contract.

    • smallfacesmikey's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you for the response. Much appreciated. Seems like there are pros and cons so will weigh up. Is the HD any better on 360? It’s not the best on my V6.

      Have a great Xmas and apparently I looked like one of the Small Faces when I was younger!

      • roy247's avatar

        If you have a 4K TV and the V6 is upscaling to 4K try setting the V6 to1080 and let the TV do the upscaling, the TV probably has better upscaling quality than the V6 box, japitts might be able to help with the best setting on the V6.

        My LG TV will upscale better than the 360 it's more noticeable on some content than other, particularly dark scenes where there is less artifacting. The only downside on the 360 is if you output at 1080 if you then try to watch some 4K it says you can't so you have to switch back to 4K in the 360 settings. I think you can set the V6 so you don't have to do that but it's been 3 years since I had V6.

        Have a good Xmas 🌲🎅



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The channel sources are identical, there may be some minor differences in the upscaling but the hardware is the exact same.

    What are the issues you're having with HD picture quality? Changing to TV360 to resolve PQ issues is a little like the sledgehammer & nut analogy.

    • smallfacesmikey's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi - the HD quality is really average and the compare of say BBC1 on Virgin and BBC1 direct through the TV Ariel is very noticeable with the direct option being much superior across all the HD equivalent channels.

      • Mr_K's avatar
        Knows their stuff

        Don't do it. The forum is full of folks regretting 'upgrading' (and there's no way back). 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If your HD PQ is poor on the PSB channels compared with Freeview, there's something awry with your setup - it should be at least equal.

    Your HDMI chain would be the first place I'd look for the cause.

  • PeteT41's avatar
    On our wavelength

    JEEZ   DONT DO IT     The marketing is all great and how easy.   I ordered my new remotes.   THEN they switch me ove without me asking.  Spent last 2-hours on phone to support.  They now need to send me 2 more remotes   OH and you need to re log into all your apps   AND you loose all recordings    Not sure where the upgrade is yet!    And my broadband is now on go slow too!!!


    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      PeteT41 wrote:

      The marketing is all great and how easy.  ....OH and you need to re log into all your apps   AND you loose all recordings

      The "update" to TV360 is a complete change of TV box operating software, thus the box is reformatted.

      This certainly isn't made clear in the email I received today, I would assume it's mentioned somewhere in the links.