Forum Discussion

MickyH1234's avatar
Tuning in
2 months ago

Unhappy with 360 upgrade

I was made to change to 360 when my V6 box failed to connect to my router. When I successfully re-connected I was given no choice but to go to 360. In the process I lost all my recordings etc. When I received my new handset - I thought it was a joke - so many of the actions (last channel, my shows etc were not on the new handset. The app worked well but the user interface on 360 is appalling - recordings can't be saved in Films/TV/Children etc. The TV guide is hopeless - you have real difficulty working out what is a film and the font size means it's very difficult to read without getting close to the TV. How could this ever be described as an upgrade? I thought upgrades were supposed to be better!

I can see why customers are thinking of finding another provider.

  • As mentioned above a faulty V6 box doesn't mean you have to switch to 360.

    If you want to switch back to the last channel just press the TV button, and a short cut to view your recordings is by using voice control and saying "recordings", using voice control if you can get used to using it can save you a few key presses for several functions.

    I sill like pressing the buttons the Alexa world isn't for me.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    MickyH1234 wrote:

    I was made to change to 360 when my V6 box failed to connect to my router.

    Can you expand on the circumstances here? Conversions from TiVo/V6 are completely voluntary - the only exception is in a specific package change scenario, and V6 are fully supported for fault replacements.

    What was the issue you had with your V6 & router?

    TV360 runs Horizon-software and is very OnDemand-centric, TiVo/V6 run TiVo-software and are recording-centric, with a good streaming platform added on. The two are completely different, a good comparison is "upgrading" from Apple to Android or vice versa.

    • Mr_K's avatar
      Knows their stuff

      There are a number of people reporting they are being no option but to convert to 360   after reporting a fault. The advice of 'nobody is forced to convert' may be out of date. Maybe somebody could clarify? If they have been incorrectly advised/misled, they should be able to revert back to V6 if they want. 

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Mr_K wrote:

        There are a number of people reporting they are being no option but to convert to 360   after reporting a fault.

        The OP in this thread hasn't clarified the circumstances of them being allegedly forced to convert.

        Where offshore call centres are concerned, nothing would surprise me - although VM policy that would not make.

    • MickyH1234's avatar
      Tuning in

      I had to restart my V6 box because it had frozen. When I restarted it, it failed to connect to my router, so I connected it manually. When the box booted up, I was given the opportunity to upgrade my V6 to 360. Thinking it was a simple upgrade as on other devices, I accepted, then found out it was not a simple upgrade, nor a change of box, but a change of app and remote. When it finished it's process, the app advised that a new remote would be with me in 2 days or so and I would have to use the remote within 5 days to continue to access my service.

      Same box, same channels but a new remote which, to make it as effective as it can be, needs me to use the voice control, which I don't feel is the nicest or quietest way to use a remote.

      Still feels retrograde.

      • Carley_S's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi MickyH1234 

        Welcome to the Community Forums. 

        Sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the TV360. We always take on board the feedback we receive so we can collect the information and use it to learn more about the areas we need to improve. We will certainly pass this information along to the relevant teams.

  • As mentioned above a faulty V6 box doesn't mean you have to switch to 360.

    If you want to switch back to the last channel just press the TV button, and a short cut to view your recordings is by using voice control and saying "recordings", using voice control if you can get used to using it can save you a few key presses for several functions.

    I sill like pressing the buttons the Alexa world isn't for me.


    • MickyH1234's avatar
      Tuning in

      I agree about Alexa - but the old control was so much better. Thanks for the voice control advice! Still seems retrograde rather than upgrade though...

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It may not be an upgrade for you, but it is for Virginmedia. .

  • Weren't you offered a new router?   I had a similar issue and received a new  5 router last year.

    Ultimately I did upgrade to the TV 360 and regret doing so. Certainly isn't as user-friendly as the V6 set up.

    • MickyH1234's avatar
      Tuning in

      I didn't think to ask them for a new router - mine rarely needs anything doing to it, which is why I ended up on 360. Certainly agree that 360 is not user-friendly - voice control or not. It is the way the V6 nicely sorted recordings that I miss. Going through all the recording to find something specific is a pain and the TV guide is the worst I've seen.