sky sports app through virgin keeps going blurry on pc
Hi, I some times have to watch football through the web portal on virgin tv go, it loads the sky sports app and works ok for the first 10 mins or so, then when the game starts it keep going pixalated and blurry to the point you cant even make out the players or the ball?
Its not a broadband issue or network issue, I have my own router and switch and thats managed, its showing no issues, errors or dropped packets or lag on the network. I have approx 960Mbps down and 106Mpbs up so its not that.
Netflix, amazon prime and plex all stream at higher quality without even glitching. looks like a Sky Sports issue with their app, but how do i complain about that or get support? Im not a sky customer?!
are there any ports i need to open to help this? or any other advice? Its annoying!
(im watching on windows 10 gaming rig thats an i7 with 32gig of ram and 1060 6gb card with a lan connection to a unifi UDM PRO Router)
thanks in advance for any ideas/help ๐