With respect, there's no point in continually asking for more 'Clarity' from Forum Members about this particular 'unanswered' problem.
The problem is clearly described in the Subject Heading of this particular Forum Query.
That is : * Unable to disable SSID Broadcasting on Hub 3 *
The endless Posts on this will continue Until we are :
1) Told how to do this ( by using the inoperative greyed out tab 'Do Not Show SSID' )
2) Told there's been a Software Update to rectify said 'inoperative' tab that is specifically there to * Disable SSID Broadcasting on Hub 3 * which, at present, Can't Be Used.
( Hence Forum Title Description : Unable to disable SSID Broadcasting on Hub 3 )
If you don't understand what we mean, could you possibly give us more clarity as to the reason why 🙂 Could it be because you don't understand why we would 'NOT' want to Broadcast our WiFi Router information ?
Let us know.