Can't disable SSID broadcasting on Hub 4 (option greyed out)
Hi All, recieved Hub 4 (replacement for older model) and plugged it in yesterday to set up.
Once in the advanced settings, went to disable SSID broadcasting and the option was greyed out so unable to do so.
Has anyone been able to found a way to disable the SSID broadcasting on this Hub?
Do I need to order a replacement Hub?
I've always been able to disable SSID broadcasting on all my previous hubs/routers etc so not sure why the new Hub won't let me?
Try a factory reset first - as below
Do a Hub “pinhole reset” - first make sure the 2 passwords on the Hub sticker are still there and legible first !
With the Hub still "switched on" throughout, press the reset pin in firmly with paper clip/SIM tray tool or similar "thin thing" and hold it firmly for at least 60 (a timed sixty) seconds, release the pin, leave for 5’ to stabilise - dont manually switch it off at any time. Passwords and SSID’s will reset to those on the sticker so log in and change them back to what they were/want them to be.
Other options should now be visible and active.