Forum Discussion

Kv5's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

Can't disable SSID broadcasting on Hub 4 (option greyed out)

Hi All, recieved Hub 4 (replacement for older model) and plugged it in yesterday to set up.

Once in the advanced settings, went to disable SSID broadcasting and the option was greyed out so unable to do so.

Has anyone been able to found a way to disable the SSID broadcasting on this Hub?

Do I need to order a replacement Hub?

I've always been able to disable SSID broadcasting on all my previous hubs/routers etc so not sure why the new Hub won't let me?

  • Try a factory reset first - as below

    Do a Hub “pinhole reset” - first make sure the 2 passwords on the Hub sticker are still there and legible first !

    With the Hub still "switched on" throughout, press the reset pin in firmly with paper clip/SIM tray tool or similar "thin thing" and hold it firmly for at least 60 (a timed sixty) seconds, release the pin, leave for 5’ to stabilise - dont manually switch it off at any time. Passwords and SSID’s will reset to those on the sticker so log in and change them back to what they were/want them to be. 

    Other options should now be visible and active.

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Try a factory reset first - as below

    Do a Hub “pinhole reset” - first make sure the 2 passwords on the Hub sticker are still there and legible first !

    With the Hub still "switched on" throughout, press the reset pin in firmly with paper clip/SIM tray tool or similar "thin thing" and hold it firmly for at least 60 (a timed sixty) seconds, release the pin, leave for 5’ to stabilise - dont manually switch it off at any time. Passwords and SSID’s will reset to those on the sticker so log in and change them back to what they were/want them to be. 

    Other options should now be visible and active.

    • Kv5's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi John,

      Thank you for your reply.

      We've tried this twice and it didn't work.

      Option to disable still greyed out.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I've no direct experience of this as I only use modem mode, but isn't that option blocked off by "Smart WiFi"? 

    • Kv5's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi Jpeg1,

      You were right - we had to disable channel optimisation and then the option to disable SSID was available 🤗 so now done.

      Thank you 😊 

      • Akua_A's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Kv5 

        Welcome to our community forums and thank you for your query regarding hub settings. We are however glad to see our community was able to help with this. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help and will be happy to assist.


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Disabling the SSID broadcast provides a false sense of security.
    All that occurs is the SSID length field is set to 0, the SSID name is still present.

    • ankobl's avatar
      Just joined

      You shouldn't assume someone's intent like that. First of all, it stops opportunistic attempts, which is often enough for most people, but more importantly: I have 5 different wifi networks for 5 different purposes. I want to be able to turn SSID broadcast off just so I'm not annoying my neighbours by flooding the scanlist every time they try to connect a device.

      And even if it is providing a false sense of security, as long as their wifi password is *also* good, who cares?

      There's a much better way to go about offering this information to people.

  • Having similar issue. Installed new Hub 4 today to replace my ageing Hub 3 but I can't access any advanced settings, they are all greyed out!

    Anybody know how to fix this?