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I'm being evicted just after xmas

On our wavelength

hi,we were served eviction notice couple weeks ago and when I'm homeless all my stuff will be in storage as I'll be in a homeless unit no doubt , what do I do with the box etc since  I won't have internet to make payments,not that I'm planning on paying for something I can't use but wondering what to do with stuff? thank you 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Are you the account holder?  If so call in and give notice of termination - they may want to charge you a early disconnection fee depending on how old your contract is. 

They will sort out returns for you - or see this..



I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & TNT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi), Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Alessandro Volta

Refer to this recent topic which may be helpful.

Hopefully the VM forum team will be able to assist in a similar way.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Rammstein1972

Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community.

I am very sorry to hear about your change in circumstances.

If you move to a non-serviced address, we can waive any early disconnection fees. We would require you to  send us evidence of your new address. All the information on what we need is sent via email on the day of the service disconnection, with 30 days to return any proof to us. 

In your circumstances however, we will just need you to please send us proof of the eviction. 

I will send you a private message now so we can help further.

Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

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