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Re: Virgin media Netflix accont added without my authorisation repeatedly

On our wavelength

Virgin Media are lying to you.  They know this is happening a lot.

Hackers are able to create Netflix accounts via Virgin's web portal, but for a email address and contact information that is completely different to your Virgin media account details.  They then have a "free" Netflix account that you are getting billed for.  Virgin don't even know the email address that has been used - so you will have serious trouble trying to get either Virgin or Netflix to cancel the account.
I was fortunate - my Virgin Tivo box had been logged into the Netflix account automatically so I could find out the account name and email address.  Without that I'd have been screwed.
So - Virgin media then told me it was my problem and I had to sort this out with Netflix.  Netflix told me the account was set up through the Virgin Media portal - so the fraud was perpetrated there.
Now, Netflix have stopped the account, but Virgin have still billed me for it.  I've reported it to Virgin as FRAUD on the phone twice, and by email to their [REMOVED] address - which it appears no one actually monitors.

This company takes your money, but doesn't take responsibility when they have been hacked.  Typical.

Everyone needs to know this - I am still on the phone AGAIN trying to sort this mess out.

I am reporting this to OFCOM and the police.  VM must know they have a security issue around this.

Good luck in getting any sense from VM - you can never talk to anyone who isn't a bottom rung idiot.


On our wavelength

I just got my bill for this month to see a Netflix account added to my bill for £17.99.


Virgin Media are lying to you.  They know this is happening a lot.

I have been on the phone to VM three times and Netflix once to try figure out how this happened.

It appears that hackers are able to create Netflix accounts via Virgin's web portal, but with an email address and contact information that is completely different to your Virgin media account details. (This is pretty dodgy in itself)  The hackers then have a "free" Netflix account that you are getting billed for.  Virgin don't even know the email address that has been used - so you will have serious trouble trying to get either Virgin or Netflix to cancel the account.

The account was set up at precisely 8:00am, which would suggest it's being done using a Bot.

I was fortunate - (somehow) my Virgin Tivo box had been logged into this Netflix account automatically so I could find out the account name and email address.  Netflix helped me locate the account email address via the "help me" tab.  Without that I'd have been screwed as Netflix will not give out information without that email address.

So - Virgin media then told me it was my problem and I had to sort this out with Netflix.  Netflix told me the account was set up through the Virgin Media portal - so the fraud was perpetrated there.

Now, Netflix have stopped the account, but Virgin have still billed me for it.  I've reported it to Virgin as FRAUD on the phone twice, and by email to their [REMOVED] address - which it appears no one actually monitors.

I have just been cut off by the VM phone numpty. They said they will begrudging credit it me the £17.99 this month, but if it continues I have to pay it!?!?!?!  Bearing in mind I have just informed them that this is fraud!

I am reporting this to OFCOM and the police.  VM must know they have a security issue around this, but are pretending that they don't.

I have changed all my passwords in response - but I have a feeling this was done through other authentication.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi benidoine

Thank you for taking the time to post on the Community Forums.

I'm very sorry to hear that a Netflix account has been set up under your service with us without your permission, I can certainly see why you're frustrated. I'd really like to help you.

I've popped you over a PM so I can take your details and look into this for you.



Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @benidoine

Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I can see that one of my colleagues has already responded and offered support via the other post that you've made about this. We'll continue to assist you from there going forward.


Zach - Forum Team
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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Benidoine 👋 thank you for joining this thread!

So sorry to hear your concerns about the Netflix service. We appreciate your frustration given your experience, and sincerely apologise that this has happened! 

It does look as though you have posted in a few different places in the forum and my colleagues have reached out for support already via PM. Just to avoid any confusion, it's best if we stick to one message thread so if you can get back to us we will continue to help from there. 

Thank you for your patience whilst we get things sorted! Wishing you all the best. 🌞


On our wavelength

Well - I responded to your colleague, and am waiting a reply - but bear in mind I've already had three very long and fruitless phone calls to your call centre, and been told things which were defamatory and potentially illegal on your part. The last person I spoke to said you'd begrudgingly re-credit the last £17.99 from my bill.  This TOTALLY misses the point - it shouldn't even be on my bill!  They also said that next time it happens I'll be expected to pay.  They also tried to insinuate that I was the one that added this manually (!?) to my Tivo box - so an account created by someone else at a time I know no one in my household could have done such a thing, and then somehow without having the login credentials I added this account to my Tivo, also at a time when I wasn't in the house.  This just smacks of desperation - but I will take these allegations to the highest level.  Trying to claim that a fraud perpetrated (easily) via your insecure systems is my fault and then trying to pin the blame on me is beyond unacceptable.  I hope you retrain the last person I spoke to and their manager - because they just put you in a precarious legal position.  I recorded the details on the conversation and I will be sharing them with the ombudsman.

Don't think for even one second that I won't put my energy into taking you on over this matter.  Myself and others of your customers should not be treated in this way.  One thing that really offends me is injustice - and you just pushed my biggest button!

On our wavelength

I responded to you.  I expect a reply promptly.

I also think it's slightly underhanded that you like to take serious matters like this out of public view.  You clearly have a number of customers experiencing the same fraud, and are doing little to nothing to rectify the issue.  Your systems are clearly insecure and inadequate if a foreign agent can set up a Netflix account via one of your portals and assign it to a completely different email address and other credentials to what is in the held about the Virgin Media account holder.  Huge security issue - why is this even possible?

Your call staff are completely unequipped to deal with these matters, and equally have no idea who to call on, or advise to give the customer in how to rectify the issue.

I have emailed the address given to me by your call centre (why was this removed from my post above?) but have had no response.  You should publicly display this information so that customers are able to access it immediately.

Your distancing from customers is frankly disgusting. You take huge sums of cash but make it almost impossible to talk to someone who a) understands English well b) can understand the problem communicated to them c) knows what to do about it.  You closed all your physical shops, and seem to have shut down direct access to UK based knowledgeable staff.

On our wavelength

I'd also like to reiterate what I said to your colleague on another post - it is quite pertinent.

I've already had three very long and fruitless phone calls to your call centre, and been told things which were defamatory and potentially illegal on your part. The last person I spoke to said you'd begrudgingly re-credit the last £17.99 from my bill.  This TOTALLY misses the point - it shouldn't even be on my bill!  They also said that next time it happens I'll be expected to pay.  They also tried to insinuate that I was the one that added this manually (!?) to my Tivo box - so an account created by someone else at a time I know no one in my household could have done such a thing, and then somehow without having the login credentials I added this account to my Tivo, also at a time when I wasn't in the house.  This just smacks of desperation - but I will take these allegations to the highest level.  Trying to claim that a fraud perpetrated (easily) via your insecure systems is my fault and then trying to pin the blame on me is beyond unacceptable.  I hope you retrain the last person I spoke to and their manager - because they just put you in a precarious legal position.  I recorded the details on the conversation and I will be sharing them with the ombudsman.

Same issue here

Hello RStead.

Thanks for you post and welcome to our community.

Sorry to hear about the Netflix account being added to your services.

We can take a look here to see what has happened and then look at making sure it's removed.

Can you please let us know if you still need assistance. 
