Forum Discussion

louiscar's avatar
Up to speed
2 years ago

Accidentally deleted an email by mistake - can I get it back?

As per title, I deleted the wrong email and now I find that it's impossible to set up new emails.

I'm not sure when VM stopped allowing this as it wasn't that long ago I created some new ones.

Why ?

Is it possible to get my email restored or has it gone forever?

  • Hi louiscar thanks for your post although we're sorry to hear of your concerns raised here regarding your email.

    We no longer allow new emails to be made, we appreciate this decision may be frustrating for you but sadly this means no more new ones can be set up under that particular email domain.

    In terms of the email in question, if it has been deleted, and you've emptied your Recycle Bin within the inbox, sadly this email will not be possible to retrieve we're afraid.

    Have you looked into the Recycle Bin just in case it's still retrievable in there?

    Many thanks

  • Tom,

    I haven't touched the recycle bin as it was a forwarded email and I don't access it directly. So whatever is in there is still there.

    You might want to change your deceptive text on the manage emails page to make it clear that you cannot set up more emails.

    It clearly states there " you can set up to 9 email accounts" - "you currently have 5 emails.

    • louiscar's avatar
      Up to speed


      I used the what I thought was the way to set up a new email which is the button at the bottom that says create another user account (invite).

      I used the deleted email and that has now been forwarded to me - I just checked, so the email is still forwarding to me as the invite came through. However, the password is no longer working to sign in to it.

      Perhaps there is some hope?

      • Tom_W1's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi louiscar thanks for your replies.

        Apologies, as I'm struggling to understand your second post regarding the deleted email. I may have assumed that when you said deleted email, you meant a deleted email that you had sent to somebody or received yourself, but upon reflection it sounds like you've deleted a whole email address, is that correct?

        Sorry for any confusion, I just want to clear things up and then I can advise further either way.

        Many thanks

  • Tom,

    Last PM had "fix highlight error" I couldn't see what it referrred to so tried deleting bits but eventually I'm told I've reached the limit for sending PMs.

    I tried the "forgot password link" and it says to use the email I signed in on. Clearly it's not recognising the email I guess. As you've got access to the email, I'll send from my registered account and you can at least tell if this message is actually getting to it.
    Let me know here - or if the PM thing is a time-out issue maybe I can post later.

  • Hi Tom,
    I revisited this as I hadn't heard and it appears that the email may now be working however, the password is not working but it does allow me to go further (ie. it recognises the email).

    I went down the "forgotten password" path and after entering my DOB it asked the security question " favorite City",
    This must have been done by someone else as my security question is always mother's maiden name.

    Is it possible for you to see if I can now recover this account fully by you changing the security question and letting me know?

    • Lee_R's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi louiscar thanks for getting back to us.

      I can see that you're currently liaising with my colleague Akua.  I will leave you in her very capable hands.



      • louiscar's avatar
        Up to speed

        Different issue to the one I PM'd Tom about.


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    @louisecar I think a lot of the confusion has occurred because when you have mentioned email it hasn't been clear whether you meant an email message or an email account address.

    Deleted messages can often be recovered. Deleted account addresses with their messages cannot.