Forum Discussion

J40wds's avatar
On our wavelength
5 months ago

BBC 1 picture poor like watching SD

Hi all first post, Installation done on Thurs afternoon no issues,Sat night strictly picture quality terrible not a patch on Sky bitterly disappointed so much im considering ringing up and cancelling the tv package.


Sky Soundbox(for now) unable to switch on and off with Virgin remote, volume control working.

picture quality through sky Q with HD & UHD perfect 

disappointment is an understatement 

tried the quality settings no difference, on/ off no difference most channels fine no noticeable issues, tonight I thought I was needing to go to the optician it was that bad.

Any help appreciated 

  • J40wds wrote:

    Hi, I just got back home and awaiting a cat6 Ethernet cable as per the last suggestion I’ve just noticed on looking there’s no Ethernet port on the tv box so I guess it’s purely wireless,also no it doesn’t go direct to the tv it goes through a sky soundbox which I mentioned in an earlier post, thanks I’ll double check connections but most progs are fine only seems to be terrestrial tv BBC & ITV 

    Hi J40wds 

    You've posted in the 360 forum, however the actual TV box you have judging by the picture you've just supplied is a VM Stream box.

    The Stream box can be connected by ethernet cable, the ethernet port isn't on the actual box though, the box is supplied with a power/ethernet adapter as per the picture below,  so that's where you fit the ethernet cable.


  • J40wds's avatar
    On our wavelength

    My feelings exactly, I’m satisfied with the tv box in general, tho both BBC & ITV prime time tv programmes one live the other not sure, terrible it’s as tho the picture can’t keep up.The same progs on Sky even after a few years of watching you think wow that picture is exceptional. It’s the one thing that will make me change back.If I didn’t have commitments this next week I’d be out without a doubt before the cooling off period ends. The silence from Virgin is noticeable they don’t even recognise our equipment yet. 

  • Hi there J40wds 

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

    I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your TV service and thank you again for posting. Can I just check are all channels effected or is there just one at the moment that is showing an issue? 

    • J40wds's avatar
      On our wavelength

      It’s mainly the terrestrial channels, as we watch mainly from apps, BBC, ITV noticeable to the point of annoying especially when it was the opposite through Sky Q. 

  • May I ask what Virgin TV box you have? 

    I don't want to insult your intelligence, but unless you have the VM360 box both the SD and HD versions of the channels are available. Are you defiantly sure you are watching the HD channel?

    I also have an LG OLED TV and have no issues. 


    • J40wds's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Not an insult I believe I’ve the latest 360 box what channel numbers are for HD I assumed all are just HD 

      • HavencroftKev's avatar
        Rising star

        Hi J40wds, you are correct the 360 box only shows the channel version which has the best resolution. However the V6 and older boxes you actually have to look for the HD channel as both HD and SD are available.

        Try starting with 101 for BBC1 and see where you go from there.

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Tubblecakes wrote:

      Sorry I know I’m not the original poster

      This is usually the reason why it is far better to start new threads rather than "sorry to jump in". By all means reference the original post by a link, but this is J40wds thread and it would be far too easy for their query to get forgotten.

    • J40wds's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I don’t have any photos it was Saturday and Sunday night I was still trying to get used to and find my way around the box. I know a full reboot has been suggested I will try that also I’ll have a Quick Look on IPlayer to see if it still does it on a there 

    • J40wds's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi, I’ve tried a power on off on iplayer no change in the picture certain parts are perfect ie when still or close up say on a face, once it pans out and figures move it goes blurry it’s intermittent it’s hard to get a shot of anything as it’s constantly changing 

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us J40wds, when you have the TV application issues, are you having broadband issues at the same time or not? 

        Does this happen at any particular time of day or random times?

        Kind Regards,


  • J40wds's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Update and closure of post, had engineer out to look at picture quality, went through everything I’d done and tried,looked at the picture and said “I’ll be honest I agree with what I’m seeing and what your saying,in my experience it’s probably as good as you’ll get. So upshot is, think very carefully if you’re satisfied with the provider you have before you commit to changing, to rub salt in the wound Virgin said I could cancel tv and keep the broadband loss any discount and pay £11 pm more without the tv package. Thanks for all the suggestions from you all. I look forward to 18mths of in and out of focus tv and see what’s available then. 

  • J40wds's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Hi, just wondered if you’ve had any improvement with picture issues, I’ve exhausted everything and after tonight’s live tv I’ll be on the phone on Monday they can come and remove the lot, don’t care if I’m only getting 40MB with sky at least I can watch the tv without getting stressed to hell, I don’t care if I’m charged cannot watch this for another 18mths, to be told by an engineer that’s as good as it gets, it’s not what I’ve been used to.

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for reaching back out to us J40wds, and we're sorry to hear of the desire to cancel the services with Virgin Media.

      I understand that you have since been able to speak to our team in relation to this matter and provisions have been taken for you.

      Do please come back to us if you require any further help or assistance.

