Do I have a latency issue?
I was on 250Mbps via a SuperHub 3, but yesterday switched to 1Gbps via Superhub 5.
I initially had a bit of a flakey connection, but reconnected the copper cable to the white wall socket that hadn't been tightened by the engineer properly. Rebooted router. BMQ now looks mostly okay, Router stats not too bad.
But various speed/latency/bufferbloat tests give quite a wide range of results. I was expecting better quality than with the Hub 3, but it felt like I had a more consistent quality connection with my hub 3 250Mbps connection, lower average ping for example playing some games, such as Rocket League.
My Upstream seems rock solid, with all tests showing consistent 100Mbps with low active load latency (grade A on the buffer bloat test, +2ms latency).
It's the download that seems a bit flakey still (buffer bloat test often reports a grade E downstream, with my downstream active load latency at +54ms).
Download speed tests seem to report varying figures, averaging around 780Mbps, running on a PC connected with gigabit ethernet.
Downstream power levels for channels range between 3.8 to 7.5, SNR 41-42. Over a 24 hour period, I seem to have accululated in the range of 4 to 13 Pre RS errors on each channel. No Post RS errors though.
3.1 Downstream channels, Active Profile corrected errors is now over 875M (no uncorrectable errors though).