Unable to verify new sign-in email address
I recently received an email from VM requesting me to change my “sign-in” email address. Since I already have a gmail address, it seemed it wouldn’t be a problem. However, after changing the “sign-in” address to the gmail address, I then received a further message asking me to verify the new sign-in by clicking a link in the message. When I click on this link, it just takes me to a webmail signin screen, and if I try to use the new sign-in address, it tells me that I have not yet verified it. If I copy the link in the message, it shows as https://www.virginmedia.com/my-virgin-media/account-settings/details/verify-email? etc., and this is where the link initially takes me but within a second, the URL changes to https://oauth.virginmedia.com/as/authorization.oauth2? etc., which is, of course, the signin screen. I frequently receive legitimate emails which are filed into the Spam folder, so I really need to be able to access webmail in order to retrieve these emails. I seem to be chasing my tail with this. Can anyone please, please help me to resolve this? Thanks in anticipation.