NTL account unusable
Hi, my parent's email account is inaccessible. I cannot log in for them using their outlook email app, and I cannot log in using the webpage from virgin media.
The outlook application is providing the error message:
'Internet email - emailaddress@ntlworld.com
Enter your username and password for the following server:
Server: smtp.virginmedia.com
Username: emailaddress@ntlworld.com
Password: theirpassword '
When I use the webpage it will 'check details', then ask to enter password. The passwords are autofilled and are correct. It then provides this error message:
'Your email or password was incorrect. Please try again or go back to change your email.'
I then attempt to reset the password using the function underneath. I receive the following:
'Please ensure you provide the email address you use to sign in to My Virgin Media'
This is a reoccurring issue for them; I have to rectify this nearly every month. I would move their emails over to a better provider but unfortunately they have used this NTL account for nearly 30 years.