Blocked e-mail accounts
Good luck to everyone else experiencing this issue, namely e-mail accounts being blocked and being forced to reset using a third party e-mail address to regain access. It's even worse if you have more than one VM e-mail account as you need individual third party e-mails for each one. I have two accounts and spent around 3 hours on the phone this weekend trying to get the matter resolved. Eventually I can now see each account but have to log into them separately via a third party e-mail account - so that's now 4 different passwords I'm expected to remember. Plus if you want to access your e-mails via third party means such as Outlook or via a Tablet (or even a phone) you need another password to achieve this. Absolutely farcical situation which VM attune to better security - which says a worrying lot about their own security.
And finally I was sent a survey link to give feedback on my experience. The first question asked me to confirm that my call was related to a new product or service - well it wasn't so I answered 'No' at which point the survey closed itself because it was only for people who had recently contacted them! Honestly, you can't make this stuff up.
If it wasn't such a daunting prospect to switch provider (I also have TV & phone as well as Broadband) I would happily leave VM tomorrow. Better the devil you're with??